Tickit::Widget::Menu - display a menu of choices


     use Tickit;
     use Tickit::Widget::Menu;
     my $tickit = Tickit->new;
     my $menu = Tickit::Widget::Menu->new(
        items => [
              name => "Exit",
              on_activate => sub { $tickit->stop }
     $menu->popup( $tickit->rootwin, 5, 5 );


    This widget class acts as a display container for a list of items
    representing individual choices. It can be displayed as a floating
    window using the popup method, or attached to a Tickit::Widget::MenuBar
    or as a child menu within another Tickit::Widget::Menu.

    This widget is intended to be displayed transiently, either as a pop-up
    menu over some other widget, or as a child menu of another menu or an
    instance of a menu bar. Specifically, such objects should not be
    directly added to container widgets.


    The default style pen is used as the widget pen. The following style
    pen prefixes are also used:

    highlight => PEN

      The pen used to highlight the active menu selection

    The following style actions are used:

    highlight_next (<Down>)

    highlight_prev (<Up>)

      Highlight the next or previous item

    activate (<Enter>)

      Activate the highlighted item

    dismiss (<Escape>)

      Dismiss the menu


 $menu = Tickit::Widget::Menu->new( %args )

    Constructs a new Tickit::Widget::Menu object.

    Takes the following named arguments:

    name => STRING

      Optional. If present, gives the name of the menu item for a submenu.
      Not used in a top-level menu.

    items => ARRAY

      Optional. If present, contains a list of Tickit::Widget::Menu::Item
      or Tickit::Widget::Menu objects to add to the menu. Equivalent to
      passing each to the push_item method after construction.

 $separator = Tickit::Window::Menu->separator

    Returns a special menu item which draws a separation line between its


 $name = $menu->name

    Returns the string name for the menu.

 @items = $menu->items

    Returns the list of items currently stored.

 $menu->push_item( $item )

    Adds another item.

    Each item may either be created using Tickit::Window::Menu::Item's
    constructor, another Tickit::Widget::Menu item itself (to create a
    submenu), or the special separator value.

 $menu->highlight_item( $idx )

    Gives the selection highlight to the item at the given index. This may
    be called before the menu is actually displayed in order to pre-select
    the highlight initially.

 $menu->popup( $win, $line, $col )

    Makes the menu appear at the given position relative to the given
    window. Note that as $win->make_popup is called, the menu is always
    displayed in a popup window, floating over the root window. Passed
    window is used simply as the origin for the given line and column


    Hides a menu previously displayed using popup.


    Paul Evans <>