aws-sdk-perl ============ Attempt to build a complete AWS SDK in Perl This project is attempting to build an entire AWS SDK from the information that is stored in other AWS SDKs. Other AWS SDKs have a "data-driven" approach, meaning that the definitions for the method calls are stored in a data structure describing input and output parameters. The project is actually generating all of it's classes from botocore Project info: Travis CI status: []( Version on CPAN: []( Installation ============ If you want to install and use Paws then just install it via cpan, cpanm, carton or the likes. If you want to contribute code: read on ``` cpanm Paws ``` ``` echo "requires 'Paws';" >> cpanfile carton install carton exec my_script_that_uses_paws ``` Development setup ============ If you want to develop a feature, or contribute code in some way, you need a development setup. This is done by cloning the repo into a local directory. ``` # Clone the repo. For what it's worth, you can clone from a fork too :) git clone cd aws-sdk-perl ``` With carton you can install all the dependencies needed in a local environment, so you can play around with dependencies without affecting the system libraries. The cpanfile is used to track the dependencies needed. It's possible that you need -dev libraries for compiling some of these modules. These packages are: * In Debian/Ubuntu: ``` sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libssl-dev ``` * In Red Hat/CentOS: ``` sudo yum install libxml2-devel openssl-devel ``` * In Mac OS X: ``` brew install openssl ``` If yo are using Mac OS X - El Capitan(10.11) you will probably need to force the link of the openssl header to /usr/local: ``` brew link openssl --force ``` And now tell carton to install the dependecies in a local lib ``` carton install # drop into a shell so perl can always find the local libraries carton exec $SHELL -l ``` Now we'll pull the paws-maintained fork of boto (so we can generate the SDK) ``` make pull-other-sdks ``` Now we're ready to code away! Happy hacking. Organization ============ builder-lib: Contains classes that convert the botocore definitions into perl classes. auto-lib: Contains the auto-generated classes. Changes to code in this directory will be overwritten, so only commit autogenerated code; never handwritten code (see "Generating API"). Changes that fix something in auto-lib are welcome, but cannot be applied directly, since they will be overwritten. Usually, they indicate some kind of general problem with other APIs, so the problem has to be fixed generically. lib: Contains roles and classes that the auto-generated classes use to call the API, sign requests, handle responses, etc. Generating API ============ Note: This step is not necessary if you want to try out the SDK. We commit in "auto-lib" the classes generated by the definitions to which the "botocore" submodule points to. If you're not developing the SDK, go directly to the "Trying it out" step :) Execute command make pull-other-sdks This will do a git pull of some official AWS sdks that are data-driven, and used to generate the SDK. If documentation-1.json is not present in botocore/botocore/data/ for each service, which it will not when first using this project or when botocore possibly updates, then you need to first run the command to generate links to the AWS docs with: ``` make docu-links ``` This will allow the following two commands to function. To generate the API for a given API call: ``` ./ botocore/botocore/data/SERVICE/DATE/service-2.json ``` This will generate file(s) in auto-lib. To generate all the APIs: ``` make gen-classes ``` Perl versions ============ The SDK is targeted at modern Perl versions. Since a new perl gets released every year, distributions perl tend to lag behind, so support for perl versions on any modern, widespread distribution is our target. Very old versions may work, but no intention to support them is made. You can always install a modern version of perl with perlbrew or plenv in a breeze. We're running the test cases on Travis for all "supported" perl versions. If you want to support a lower version, you can contribute back. Acceptance of patches for older versions of Perl won't mean that the compatibility will be maintained long-term, although it will be tried :). Dependencies ============ Dependencies are versioned in a cpanfile. If you have carton, just execute 'carton install' in the sdk directory, and all dependencies will be pulled in automatically into a local library path. After that use 'carton exec ...' to execute your scripts. If you add a dependency, just add it to the cpanfile file. There are three sections: - the general section is for dependencies that are needed only in runtime - the test section is for dependecies needed to run the test suite - the develop section is for dependencies needed for developers carton install installs all dependencies in all sections (after all, we're in developer mode here) Packaging ============ Packaging is managed with Dist::Zilla. running dzil build will make a tar.gz suitable for uploading to CPAN Trying it out ============ Each class for each API can be constructed in the following way: Create a Perl script ( ``` #!/usr/bin/env perl use Paws; use Data::Printer; my $iam = Paws->service('IAM'); my $summary = $iam->GetAccountSummary; p $summary->SummaryMap; ``` also take a look at the CLI utility (see below) for fast testing) Credentials ============ See MetaCPAN or ``` perldoc Paws ``` Status ================ Don't consider the SDK as "stable" code. There is a lot of experimenting going on. That said, people are using it in production, so changes to the way you call APIs, although not guaranteed, are not prone to change because they are autogenerated. Expect changes around the way you obtain service classes, transmit credentials, etc. Look at the TODO for expected changes to come. As of 2015-02 I'm documenting breaking changes in the Changes file. API changes that break stuff will be documented there. Please read the Changes file before updating your git clone. Using the SDK in your code ================ Although the code isn't considered stable yet, it works, and more than one person is using it already. I recommend you to using a cpanfile, and bundling Paws with carton bundle Supported AWS Services ================ Take a look at If a service is not supported, it will warn on construction with an explicit "non supported API" message. Basically all query and json services are supported. RestXML and RestJSON services are in the coming. Documentation ================ All services get auto-generated POD documentation. perldoc a file to take a look at the documentation. CLI utility ================ Paws comes with a command-line utility to exercise the SDK. Just like Paws is the namespace for the SDK, "paws" (in /bin) is the cli utility. It's quite rudimentary, but think of it as a quick way to try out calling services. Just call: ``` paws ``` to list all services. If a service isn't supported yet, it will die explicitly advising you that Paws doesn't support that service yet. ``` paws EC2 --region eu-west-1 DescribeInstances ``` Parameters needed in for DescribeInstances can be passed as a list of parameters (see for complete documentation of how to pass parameters via command line. ``` paws EC2 --region eu-west-1 DescribeInstances Parameter1: ValueForParameter1 ListParameter: [ V1 V2 ] ComplexParam { Key1 Value1 Key2 Value 2 } ``` License ================ This code is distributed under the Apache v2 License Thanks ================ CAPSiDE ( for letting Paws be contributed in an open source model and giving me time to build and maintain it regularly Luis Alberto Gimenez (@agimenez) for - The git-fu cleaning up the "pull other sdks" code - Credential Providers code - Fixes for users that have no HOME env variable - FileCaller to fully mock responses Srinvas (@kidambisrinivas) for testing, bug reporting and fixing juair10 for corrections and testing CHORNY for CPAN and cpanfile packaging corrections IƱigo Tejedor for service endpoint resolution based on rules codehead for helping fix SQS Queue Maps mbartold for helping fix SQS MessageBatch functionality coreymayer for reporting bug in RestXmlCaller arc (Aaron Crane) for documentation patches dtikhonov for LWP Caller and bug reporting/fixing vivus-ignis for DynamoDB bug reporting and test scripts for DynamoDB karenetheridge for bug reporting, pull requests and help ioanrogers for fixing unicode issues in tests ilmari for fixing issues with timestamps in Date and X-Amz-Date headers, test fixes and 5.10 support fixes, documentation issue fixes for S3, CloudFront and Route53, help with number stringification stevecaldwell77 for contributing support for temporary credentials in S3 Ryan Olson (BeerBikesBBQ) for contributing documentation fixes Roger Pettett for testing and contributing fixes for tests on MacOSX Henri Yandell for help with licensing issues Oriol Soriano (@ureesoriano) for contributions to API builders and better documentation generation H. Daniel Cesario (@maneta) for devel setup instructions on RH and MacOSX Glen van Ginkel for contributions to get S3 working Javier Arellano for discovering Tagging bug Ioan Rogers for contributing AssumeRoleWithSAML with ADFS auth example Miquel Soriano for reporting a bug with DescribeAutoScalingGroups Albert Bendicho (wiof) for contributing better retry logic Brian Hartsock for better handling of XMLResponse exceptions rpcme for reporting various bugs in the SDK glenveegee for lots of work sorting out the S3 implementation Grinzz for many bugs, suggestions and fixes Dakkar for solving issues with parameter passing Arthur Axel fREW Schmidt for speeding up credential refreshing PopeFelix for solving issues around S3 and MojoAsyncCaller meis for contributing Paws::Credential::Explicit sven-schubert for contributing fixes to RestXML services, working on fixing S3 to work correctly. SeptamusNonovant for fixing paginators in non-callback mode gadgetjunkie for contributing the ECS credential provider mla for contributing a fix to correct dependencies castaway for contributing to fixing documentation problems - properly providing backlinks between related pages - making TOCs render correctly on - generating helpful copy-paste ready scenarios in the synopsis of each method call autarch for correcting signature generation for a bunch of services piratefinn for linking calls to documentation AWS URLs