CPAN::Distribution::ReleaseHistory - Show the release history of a
    single distribution

    version 0.001000

    This is similar in concept to "CPAN::ReleaseHistory", except its
    tailored to use a single distribution name, and uses "MetaCPAN" to
    resolve its information.

      use CPAN::Distribution::ReleaseHistory;

      my $release_history = CPAN::Distribution::ReleaseHistory->new(
        distribution => 'Dist-Zilla',
        # ua          => a HTTP::Tiny instance to use for requests
        # es          => a Search::Elasticsearch instance
        # scroll_size => 1000  : How many results to fetch per HTTP request
        # sort        => 'desc': Direction of sort ( vs 'asc' and undef )

      # Returns a CPAN::Distribution::ReleaseHistory::ReleaseIterator
      my $iterator = $release_history->release_iterator();

      # $release is an instance of CPAN::Releases::Latest::Release
      while ( my $release = $iterator->next_release() ) {
        print $release->distname();                   # Dist-Zilla
        print $release->path();                       # R/RJ/RJBS/Dist-Zilla-1.000.tar.gz
        print scalar gmtime $release->timestamp();    # Timestamp is Unixtime.
        print $release->size();                       # 30470 ( bytes )
        my $distinfo = $release->distinfo();          # CPAN::DistInfo object

    Perform the query and return a new
    "CPAN::Distribution::ReleaseHistory::ReleaseIterator" to walk over the

      my $iterator = $object->release_iterator

    Determine if user specified a custom "UserAgent"

    A string exactly matching a name of a "CPAN" distribution.



    The implicit sort direction of the output.

      default: 'desc' # The most recent release is returned first.

    Alternative options:

      'asc' # The oldest release is returned first
      undef # Results are unsorted

    Opting for "undef" for this value will give a slight speed up to the
    responsiveness of queries.

    Though this benefit will only be observed in conjunction with low values
    of "scroll_size"

        5 desc average 0.08625 /each   11.594 items/sec
       5 undef average 0.03856 /each   25.937 items/sec

       10 desc average 0.05384 /each   18.573 items/sec
      10 undef average 0.03773 /each   26.507 items/sec

       20 desc average 0.03856 /each   25.934 items/sec
      20 undef average 0.02758 /each   36.252 items/sec

       50 desc average 0.02579 /each   38.777 items/sec
      50 undef average 0.02547 /each   39.267 items/sec

      100 desc average 0.02279 /each   43.873 items/sec
     100 undef average 0.02510 /each   39.846 items/sec

    Volume of results to fetch per request.

      default: 1000

    Larger values give slower responses but faster total execution time.

    Smaller values give faster responses but slower total execution time. (
    Due to paying ping time both ways per request in addition to other
    per-request overheads that are constant sized )

    A "HTTP::Tiny" compatible user agent.

    A Search::Elasticsearch instance.

    Kent Fredric <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Kent Fredric

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.