# NAME Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ::PP - Pure perl AMQP client for RabbitMQ <div> <a href='https://travis-ci.org/Humanstate/net-amqp-rabbitmq?branch=master'><img src='https://travis-ci.org/Humanstate/net-amqp-rabbitmq.svg?branch=master' alt='Build Status' /></a> <a href='https://coveralls.io/r/Humanstate/net-amqp-rabbitmq?branch=master'><img src='https://coveralls.io/repos/Humanstate/net-amqp-rabbitmq/badge.png?branch=master' alt='Coverage Status' /></a> </div> # SYNOPSIS use Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ::PP; my $connection = Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ::PP->new(); $connection->connect; $connection->basic_publish( payload => "Foo", routing_key => "foo.bar", ); $connection->disconnect # DESCRIPTION Like [Net::RabbitMQ](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::RabbitMQ) but pure perl rather than a wrapper around librabbitmq. # VERSION 0.08 # SUBROUTINES/METHODS A list of methods with their default arguments (undef = no default) ## new Loads the AMQP protocol definition, primarily. Will not be an active connection until ->connect is called. my $mq = Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ::PP->new; ## connect Connect to the server. Default arguments are shown below: $mq->connect( host => "localhost", port => 5672, timeout => undef, username => 'guest', password => 'guest', virtualhost => '/', heartbeat => undef, socket_timeout => 5, ); connect can also take a secure flag for SSL connections, this will only work if [IO::Socket::SSL](https://metacpan.org/pod/IO::Socket::SSL) is available $mq->connect( ... secure => 1, ); ## disconnect Disconnects from the server $mq->disconnect; ## set\_keepalive Set a keep alive poller. Note: requires [Socket::Linux](https://metacpan.org/pod/Socket::Linux) $mq->set_keepalive( idle => $secs, # time between last meaningful packet and first keep alive count => $n, # number of failures to allow, interval => $secs, # time between keep alives ); ## receive Receive the nextframe my $rv = $mq->receive; Content or $rv will look something like: { payload => $str, content_header_frame => Net::AMQP::Frame::Header, delivery_frame => Net::AMQP::Frame::Method, } ## channel\_open Open the given channel: $mq->channel_open( channel => undef ); ## exchange\_declare Instantiate an exchange with a previously opened channel: $mq->exchange_declare( channel => undef, exchange => undef, exchange_type => undef, passive => undef, durable => undef, auto_delete => undef, internal => undef, alternate_exchange => undef, ); ## exchange\_delete Delete a previously instantiated exchange $mq->exchange_delete( channel => undef, exchange => undef, if_unused => undef, ); ## queue\_declare $mq->exchange_declare( channel => undef, queue => undef, exclusive => undef, passive => undef, durable => undef, auto_delete => undef, expires => undef, message_ttl => undef, ); ## queue\_bind $mq->queue_bind( channel => undef, queue => undef, exchange => undef, routing_key => undef, headers => {}, x_match => undef, ); ## queue\_delete $mq->queue_delete( channel => undef, queue => undef, if_empty => undef, if_unused => undef, ); ## queue\_unbind $mq->queue_bind( channel => undef, queue => undef, exchange => undef, routing_key => undef, headers => {}, x_match => undef, ); ## queue\_purge $mq->queue_purge( channel => undef, queue => undef, ); ## basic\_ack $mq->basic_ack( channel => undef, delivery_tag => undef, multiple => undef, ); ## basic\_cancel\_callback $mq->basic_cancel_callback( callback => undef, ); ## basic\_cancel $mq->basic_cancel( channel => undef, queue => undef, consumer_tag => undef, ); ## basic\_get $mq->basic_get( channel => undef, queue => undef, no_ack => undef, ); ## basic\_publish $mq->basic_publish( channel => undef, payload => undef, exchange => undef, routing_key => undef, mandatory => undef, immediate => undef, props => { content_type => undef, content_encoding => undef, headers => undef, delivery_mode => undef, priority => undef, correlation_id => undef, reply_to => undef, expiration => undef, message_id => undef, timestamp => undef, type => undef, user_id => undef, app_id => undef, cluster_id => undef, }, ); ## basic\_consume $mq->basic_consume( channel => undef, queue => undef, consumer_tag => undef, exclusive => undef, no_ack => undef, ); ## basic\_reject $mq->basic_reject( channel => undef, delivery_tag => undef, requeue => undef, ); ## basic\_qos $mq->basic_qos( channel => undef, global => undef, prefetch_count => undef, prefetch_size => undef, ); ## transaction\_select ## transaction\_commit ## transaction\_rollback ## confirm\_select All take channel => $channel as args. ## heartbeat TODO # BUGS, LIMITATIONS, AND CAVEATS Please report all bugs to the issue tracker on github. https://github.com/Humanstate/net-amqp-rabbitmq/issues One known limitation is that we cannot automatically send heartbeat frames in a useful way. A caveat is that I (LEEJO) didn't write this, I just volunteered to take over maintenance and upload to CPAN since it is used in our stack. So I apologize for the poor documentation. Have a look at the tests if any of the documentation is not clear. Another caveat is that the tests require MQHOST=a.rabbitmq.host to be of any use, they used to default to dev.rabbitmq.com but that is currently MIA. If MQHOST is not set they will be skipped. # SUPPORT Use the issue tracker on github to reach out for support. https://github.com/Humanstate/net-amqp-rabbitmq/issues # AUTHOR Originally: Eugene Marcotte athenahealth emarcotte@athenahealth.com http://athenahealth.com Current maintainer: leejo@cpan.org Contributors: Ben Kaufman Jonathan Briggs # LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013 Eugene Marcotte This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. # SEE ALSO [Net::RabbitMQ](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::RabbitMQ) [Net::AMQP](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::AMQP)