NAME Mom - Moo objects minimally SYNOPSIS This: use Mom; Is (roughly) a shortcut for: use Moo; use Scalar::Util qw( blessed ); use Carp qw( carp croak confess ); use namespace::autoclean; But Mom takes care of a lot more. This: use Mom q( foo bar :rw :type(Int) baz :required ); Is (roughly) a shortcut for: use Moo; use Scalar::Util qw( blessed ); use Carp qw( carp croak confess ); use Types::Standard qw(); use namespace::autoclean; has foo => ( is => "ro" ); has bar => ( is => "rw", isa => Types::Standard::Int ); has foo => ( is => "ro", required => 1 ); Tokens which don't start with a colon are created as attributes in your package. Tokens starting with a colon are flags that affect either the preceeding attribute or the package as a whole. DESCRIPTION This documentation assumes familiarity with Moo. Motivation The documentation for MooX::ShortHas says instead of this: use Moo; has hro => is => ro => required => 1; has hlazy => is => lazy => builder => sub { 2 }; has hrwp => is => rwp => required => 1; has hrw => is => rw => required => 1; You can now write this: use Moo; use MooX::ShortHas; ro "hro"; lazy hlazy => sub { 2 }; rwp "hrwp"; rw "hrw"; I thought I could go even shorter. use Mom q{ hro :required hlazy :lazy :default(2) hrwp :required :rwp hrw :required :rw }; Is it a lot shorter? No, but that's mostly because MooX::ShortHas makes it very concise to write required attributes, and uses that in the demonstration but less concise for optional attributes. If we make the attributes optional, it becomes shorter. use Mom q{ hro hlazy :lazy :default(2) hrwp :rwp hrw :rw }; IMPORT All of Mom's magic happens in the import statement. Flags Affecting Attributes `:rw` Like `is => "rw"` in Moo. `:ro` Like `is => "ro"` in Moo, though this is already the default. `:rwp` Like `is => "rwp"` in Moo `:bare` Like `is => "bare"` in Moo `:lazy` Like `lazy => 1` in Moo. `:required` Like `required => 1` in Moo. `:clearer` Like `clearer => 1` in Moo. `:clearer(methodname)` Like `clearer => "methodname"` in Moo. `:builder` Like `builder => 1` in Moo. `:builder(methodname)` Like `builder => "methodname"` in Moo. `:trigger` Like `trigger => 1` in Moo. `:trigger(methodname)` Like `trigger => "methodname"` in Moo. `:isa(Class::Name)` Like `isa => InstanceOf[Class::Name]` in Moo/Types::Standard. `:does(Role::Name)` Like `isa => ConsumerOf[Role::Name]` in Moo/Types::Standard. `:type(TypeName)` Like `isa => TypeName` in Moo/Types::Standard. `:enum(list,of,strings)` Like `isa => Enum["list","of","strings"]` in Moo/Types::Standard. `:default(value)` Like `default => "value"` in Moo. For simple (string/numeric) defaults. Doesn't accept coderefs. `:handles(list,of,methods)` Like `handles => ["list","of","methods"]` in Moo. Currently no support for a hashref of delegations. Flags Affecting Package `:role` Creates a Moo::Role instead of a Moo class. `:extends(Class::Name)` Like `extends "Class::Name"` in Moo. `:requires(list,of,methods)` Like `requires ("list", "of", "methods");` in Moo. `:std` Like `use Types::Standard qw( -types -is -assert )` `:common` Like: use Types::Common::Numeric qw( -types -is -assert ); use Types::Common::String qw( -types -is -assert ); `:path` Like: use Types::Path::Tiny qw( -types -is -assert ); use Path::Tiny qw( path ); BUGS Please report any bugs to <>. SEE ALSO Moo, Types::Standard. AUTHOR Toby Inkster <>. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.