NAME Subclass::Of - import a magic subclass SYNOPSIS Create a subclass overriding a method: use Subclass::Of "LWP::UserAgent", -as => "ImpatientUA", -methods => [ new => sub { my $self = ::SUPER(); $self->timeout(15); $self->max_redirect(3); return $self; }, ]; my $ua = ImpatientUA->new; Create a subclass at runtime, adding roles: use Subclass::Of; my $subclass = subclass_of( "My::Class", -with => [qw/ My::Role Your::Role His::Role Her::Role /], ); my $object = $subclass->new; DESCRIPTION Load a class, creating a subclass of it with additional roles (Moose, Mouse, Moo and Role::Tiny should all work) and/or additional methods, and providing a lexically-scoped alias for the subclass. Compile-Time Usage To create a subclass at compile-time, use the following syntax: use SubClass::Of $base_class, %options; The following options are supported: `-methods` An arrayref of `name => coderef` pairs of methods that you wish to add to your subclass. As you might expect, you can override methods defined in the base class. However, because of the way `$self->SUPER::method()` is resolved by Perl, it will not work. Instead a `::SUPER()` function is provided. If called with no arguments, then it automatically calls the superclass method with the same arguments that the subclass was called with; if called with arguments, then the superclass method gets those arguments exactly. (If calling it with arguments, remember to include the invocant!) `-with` The package names of one or more roles (Moose::Role, Role::Tiny, etc) you wish to apply to your subclass. `-has` Attributes to apply to the child class. You can provide Moose-style specifications for each attribute: use Subclass::Of "MyClass", -has => [ foo => (), # default spec bar => [...], baz => {...}, quux => sub { "default" }, ]; Note that the attribute specifications need to be supported by the OO framework of the parent class. Moose, Mouse and Moo all support fairly similar attribute specs, but they differ on some details. The `is`, `default` and `required` options should be pretty safe bets; `isa` will be fine if you're using Type::Tiny type constraints. If the parent class is a plain old Perl class, then a small built-in attribute builder is used, which assumes that the object is a blessed hash. The builder supports `is`, `isa` and `default` (which is always treated as lazy). It only builds accessors, *not* a constructor! `-package` The package name for the subclass. Usually you can ignore this; Subclass::Of will think one up of its own. `-as` Subclass::Of will export a lexically scoped alias for the package name. By lexically scoped I mean: { use Subclass::Of "LWP::UserAgent", -as => "MyUA"; # "MyUA" is available here ... } # ... but not here By "alias", I mean a constant that returns the subclass' package name as a string. (See aliased.) The `-as` option allows you to name this alias. You may request multiple aliases using an arrayref of strings. If you don't provide a `-as` option, the last component of the parent class name (e.g. `UserAgent` for subclasses of LWP::UserAgent) will be used. If you don't want an alias, try `-as => []`. `-lazy` Defers the generation of the subclass until the last possible moment. This might be useful in the case of: use Subclass::Of "LWP::UserAgent", -lazy, -as => "MyUA"; if (some_unlikely_condition()) { MyUA->new->post( ... ); } else { # we don't need MyUA, so why bother generating the subclass. } Even the parent class isn't loaded until necessary. Run-Time Usage To create a subclass at compile-time, use the following syntax: use Subclass::Of; my $subclass = subclass_of($base_class, %options); Note that the `subclass_of` function is only exported if `use Subclass::Of` is called with no import list. The options supported are the same as with compile-time usage, except `-as` and `-lazy` are ignored. (No alias is generated.) The return value of `subclass_of` is the name of the class as a string. Wrapping Subclass::Of If you need to provide a wrapper for Subclass::Of, and thus install scoped aliases into other packages, use the `install` method: require Subclass::Of; Subclass::Of->install($base, -into => $target, %options); DIAGNOSTICS *Subclass::Of is overwriting function ...* An alias is overwriting an existing sub. Try setting `-as` to avoid this. *Subclass::Of is overwriting alias ...* An alias is overwriting an existing alias created by Subclass::Of. This can often happen if you try to create two subclasses of the same base class and rely on the automatically generated alias names: use Subclass::Of "Foo::Bar", ...; # alias = Bar use Subclass::Of "Foo::Bar", ...; # alias = Bar (warning!) Try explicitly setting `-as` to avoid this, or use Subclass::Of in a smaller lexical scope. There is no supported method to switch these warnings off. You should fix the problems they're telling you about. CAVEATS Certain class builders don't play nice with certain role builders. Moose classes should be able to consume a mixture of Moose and Moo roles. Moo classes should be able to consume a mixture of Moose, Moo, Mouse and Role::Tiny roles. Mouse classes should be able to consume Mouse roles. Any class should be able to consume Role::Tiny roles, provided you don't try to mix in other roles at the same time. (For example, a Mouse class can consume a Role::Tiny role, but it can't consume a Role::Tiny role and a Mouse role simultaneously.) BUGS Please report any bugs to <>. SEE ALSO base, parent, aliased, as, use, Package::Butcher. AUTHOR Toby Inkster <>. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2013, 2017 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.