Device::Chip::PCF8574 - chip driver for a PCF8574


    This Device::Chip subclass provides specific communication to a NXP or
    Texas Instruments PCF8574 attached to a computer via an I�C adapter.

    The reader is presumed to be familiar with the general operation of
    this chip; the documentation here will not attempt to explain or define
    chip-specific concepts or features, only the use of this module to
    access them.



    The I�C address of the device. Can be specified in decimal, octal or
    hex with leading 0 or 0x prefixes.


    The following methods documented with a trailing call to ->get return
    Future instances.


       $pcf->write( $val )->get

    Sets the value of the GPIO pins, as an 8-bit integer.

    Pins set low will sink current suitable for signalling or driving an
    LED. Pins set high will source current via a weak current-source to act
    as a pull-up for an active-low input signal, such as a button.


       $val = $pcf->read->get

    Reads the current logic levels on the GPIO pins, returned as an 8-bit
    integer. Pins of interest as inputs should have previously been set to
    high level using the "write" method.


       $adapter = $pcf->as_adapter

    Returns a new object implementing the Device::Chip::Adapter interface
    which allows access to the GPIO pins of the chip as if it was a GPIO
    protocol adapter. The returned instance supports the following methods:

       $protocol = $adapter->make_protocol( 'GPIO' )


    Paul Evans <>