NAME App::DH - Deploy your DBIx::Class Schema to DDL/Database via DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler VERSION version 0.001002 SYNOPSIS Basic usage: #!/usr/bin/env perl # # use App::DH; App::DH->new_with_options->run; -- usage: [-?cdfhIos] [long options...] (install|upgrade|write_ddl) -h -? --usage --help Prints this usage information. -c --connection_name either a valid DBI DSN or an alias configured by DBIx::Class::Schema::Config -f --force forcefully replace existing DDLs. [DANGER] -s --schema the class name of the schema to generate DDLs/deploy for -I --include paths to load into @INC -o --script_dir output path -d --database database backends to generate DDLs for. See SQL::Translator::Producer::* for valid values commands: install install to the specified database connection upgrade upgrade the specified database connection write_ddl only write ddl files If you don't like any of the defaults, you can subclass to override use App::DH; { package MyApp; use Moose; extends 'App::DH'; has '+connection_name' => ( default => sub { 'production' } ); has '+schema' => ( default => sub { 'MyApp::Schema' } ); __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; } MyApp->new_with_options->run; COMMANDS write_ddl Only generate ddls for deploy/upgrade [...params] write_ddl write_ddl Install to connection "--connection_name" [...params] install upgrade Upgrade connection "--connection_name" [...params] upgrade PARAMETERS --connection_name -c/--connection_name Specify the connection details to use for deployment. Can be a name of a configuration in a "DBIx::Class::Schema::Config" configuration if the "--schema" uses it. --connection_name 'dbi:SQLite:/path/to/db' -cdevelopment --force Overwrite existing DDL files of the same version. -f/--force --schema -s/--schema The class name of the schema to load for DDL/Deployment -sMyProject::Schema --schema MyProject::Schema --include -I/--include Add a given library path to @INC prior to loading "schema" -I../lib --include ../lib May be specified multiple times. --script_dir -o/--script_dir Specify where to write the per-backend DDL's. Default is ./share/ddl -o/tmp/ddl --script_dir /tmp/ddl --database -d/--database Specify the "SQL::Translator::Producer::*" backend to use for generating DDLs. -dSQLite --database PostgreSQL Can be specified multiple times. Default is introspected from looking at whatever "--connection_name" connects to. CREDITS This module is mostly code by mst, sponsored by <>, and I've only tidied it up and made it more CPAN Friendly. SPONSORS The authoring of the initial incarnation of this code is kindly sponsored by <>. AUTHORS * kentnl - Kent Fredric (cpan:KENTNL) <> * mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by The App::DH Authors, Contributors, and Sponsors. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.