NAME Hook::Output::Tiny - Easily enable/disable trapping of STDOUT/STDERR SYNOPSIS use Hook::Output::Tiny; my $h = Hook::Output::Tiny->new; # trap either $h->hook('stdout'); my @out = $h->stdout; $h->hook('stderr'); my @err = $h->stderr; # untrap either $h->unhook('stdout'); $h->unhook('stderr'); # trap/untrap both simultaneously $h->hook; $h->unhook; # delete all entries from both (can specify individually) $h->flush; # append to a file (can specify individually) $h->write('file.txt'); DESCRIPTION Extremely lightweight mechanism for trapping STDOUT, STDERR or both. We save the captured output internally for the entire process run, so on long running applications, memory usage may become an issue if you don't flush out or write out the data. There are many modules that perform this task. I wrote this one for fun, and to be as small and as simple as possible. METHODS new Returns a new Hook::Output::Tiny instance. hook You can send in either 'stdout' or 'stderr' and we'll trap that data. If you don't specify an option, we'll trap both (the data remains separated). unhook Send in either 'stdout' or 'stderr'. If not specified, we'll untrap both. stdout Returns a list of all the STDOUT entries that have been trapped. stderr Returns a list of all the STDERR entries that have been trapped. write($filename, $handle) Writes to $filename the entries in $handle, where $handle is either stdout or stderr. If no $handle is specified, we'll write out both handles to the same file. We then flush() (ie. delete) the respective handle data until the next write() or flush(). flush Deletes all data for the handles. Send in either 'stdout' or 'stderr' to specify which to delete, otherwise we'll delete both. EXAMPLE Testing scenario... use Foo::Bar; use Hook::Output::Tiny; use Test::More; my $output = Hook::Output::Tiny->new; $output->hook; my $thing = Foo::Bar->new; $output->unhook; is ($thing->do(), 1, "thing() ok"); is ($output->stdout, 1, "got expected STDOUT"); is ($output->stderr, 0, "got no STDERR"); for ($output->stdout){ like ($_, 'Foo::Bar object initialized', "STDOUT ok"); } AUTHOR Steve Bertrand, <steveb at> SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Hook::Output::Tiny LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2016 Steve Bertrand. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.