Web::Simple - A quick and easy way to build simple web applications

      #!/usr/bin/env perl

      package HelloWorld;
      use Web::Simple

      sub dispatch_request {
        sub (GET) {
          [ 200, [ 'Content-type', 'text/plain' ], [ 'Hello world!' ] ]
        sub () {
          [ 405, [ 'Content-type', 'text/plain' ], [ 'Method not allowed' ] ]


    If you save this file into your cgi-bin as "hello-world.cgi" and then

    you'll get the "Hello world!" string output to your browser. At the same
    time this file will also act as a class module, so you can save it as and use it as-is in test scripts or other deployment

    Note that you should retain the ->run_if_script even if your app is a
    module, since this additionally makes it valid as a .psgi file, which
    can be extremely useful during development.

    For more complex examples and non-CGI deployment, see
    Web::Simple::Deployment. To get help with Web::Simple, please connect to
    the IRC network and join #web-simple.

    The philosophy of Web::Simple is to keep to an absolute bare minimum for
    everything. It is not designed to be used for large scale applications;
    the Catalyst web framework already works very nicely for that and is a
    far more mature, well supported piece of software.

    However, if you have an application that only does a couple of things,
    and want to not have to think about complexities of deployment, then
    Web::Simple might be just the thing for you.

    The only public interface the Web::Simple module itself provides is an
    "import" based one:

      use Web::Simple 'NameOfApplication';

    This sets up your package (in this case "NameOfApplication" is your
    package) so that it inherits from Web::Simple::Application and imports
    strictures, as well as installs a "PSGI_ENV" constant for convenience,
    as well as some other subroutines.

    Importing strictures will automatically make your code use the "strict"
    and "warnings" pragma, so you can skip the usual:

      use strict;
      use warnings FATAL => 'aa';

    provided you 'use Web::Simple' at the top of the file. Note that we turn
    on *fatal* warnings so if you have any warnings at any point from the
    file that you did 'use Web::Simple' in, then your application will die.
    This is, so far, considered a feature.

    When we inherit from Web::Simple::Application we also use Moo, which is
    the the equivalent of:

        package NameOfApplication;
        use Moo;
        extends 'Web::Simple::Application';

    So you can use Moo features in your application, such as creating
    attributes using the "has" subroutine, etc. Please see the documentation
    for Moo for more information.

    It also exports the following subroutines for use in dispatchers:

      response_filter { ... };

      redispatch_to '/somewhere';

    Finally, import sets

      $INC{""} = 'Set by "use Web::Simple;" invocation';

    so that perl will not attempt to load the application again even if

      require NameOfApplication;

    is encountered in other code.

    Web::Simple despite being straightforward to use, has a powerful system
    for matching all sorts of incoming URLs to one or more subroutines.
    These subroutines can be simple actions to take for a given URL, or
    something more complicated, including entire Plack applications,
    Plack::Middleware and nested subdispatchers.

     sub dispatch_request {
       # matches: GET /user/1.htm?show_details=1
       #          GET /user/1.htm
       sub (GET + /user/* + ?show_details~ + .htm|.html|.xhtml) {
         my ($self, $user_id, $show_details) = @_;
       # matches: POST /user?username=frew
       #          POST /user?username=mst&first_name=matt&last_name=trout
       sub (POST + /user + ?username=&*) {
          my ($self, $username, $misc_params) = @_;
       # matches: DELETE /user/1/friend/2
       sub (DELETE + /user/*/friend/*) {
         my ($self, $user_id, $friend_id) = @_;
       # matches: PUT /user/1?first_name=Matt&last_name=Trout
       sub (PUT + /user/* + ?first_name~&last_name~) {
         my ($self, $user_id, $first_name, $last_name) = @_;
       sub (/user/*/...) {
         my $user_id = $_[1];
         # matches: PUT /user/1/role/1
         sub (PUT + /role/*) {
           my $role_id = $_[1];
         # matches: DELETE /user/1/role/1
         sub (DELETE + /role/*) {
           my $role_id = $_[1];

  The dispatch cycle
    At the beginning of a request, your app's dispatch_request method is
    called with the PSGI $env as an argument. You can handle the request
    entirely in here and return a PSGI response arrayref if you want:

      sub dispatch_request {
        my ($self, $env) = @_;
        [ 404, [ 'Content-type' => 'text/plain' ], [ 'Amnesia == fail' ] ]

    However, generally, instead of that, you return a set of dispatch subs:

      sub dispatch_request {
        my $self = shift;
        sub (/) { redispatch_to '/index.html' },
        sub (/user/*) { $self->show_user($_[1]) },

    Well, a sub is a valid PSGI response too (for ultimate streaming and
    async cleverness). If you want to return a PSGI sub you have to wrap it
    into an array ref.

      sub dispatch_request {
        [ sub { 
            my $respond = shift;
            # This is pure PSGI here, so read perldoc PSGI
        } ]

    If you return a subroutine with a prototype, the prototype is treated as
    a match specification - and if the test is passed, the body of the sub
    is called as a method any matched arguments (see below for more

    You can also return a plain subroutine which will be called with just
    $env - remember that in this case if you need $self you -must- close
    over it.

    If you return a normal object, Web::Simple will simply return it upwards
    on the assumption that a response_filter (or some arbitrary
    Plack::Middleware) somewhere will convert it to something useful. This

      sub dispatch_request {
        my $self = shift;
        sub (.html) { response_filter { $self->render_zoom($_[0]) } },
        sub (/user/*) { $self->users->get($_[1]) },

    to render a user object to HTML, if there is an incoming URL such as:

    This works because as we descend down the dispachers, we first match
    "sub (.html)", which adds a "response_filter" (basically a specialized
    routine that follows the Plack::Middleware specification), and then
    later we also match "sub (/user/*)" which gets a user and returns that
    as the response. This user object 'bubbles up' through all the wrapping
    middleware until it hits the "response_filter" we defined, after which
    the return is converted to a true html response.

    However, two types of object are treated specially - a Plack::App object
    will have its "-"to_app> method called and be used as a dispatcher:

      sub dispatch_request {
        my $self = shift;
        sub (/static/...) { Plack::App::File->new(...) },

    A Plack::Middleware object will be used as a filter for the rest of the
    dispatch being returned into:

      ## responds to /admin/track_usage AND /admin/delete_accounts

      sub dispatch_request {
        my $self = shift;
        sub (/admin/**) {
        sub (/admin/track_usage) {
          ## something that needs a session
        sub (/admin/delete_accounts) {
          ## something else that needs a session

    Note that this is for the dispatch being -returned- to, so if you want
    to provide it inline you need to do:

      ## ALSO responds to /admin/track_usage AND /admin/delete_accounts

      sub dispatch_request {
        my $self = shift;
        sub (/admin/...) {
          sub {
          sub (/track_usage) {
            ## something that needs a session
          sub (/delete_accounts) {
            ## something else that needs a session

    And that's it - but remember that all this happens recursively - it's
    dispatchers all the way down. A URL incoming pattern will run all
    matching dispatchers and then hit all added filters or

  Web::Simple match specifications
   Method matches
      sub (GET) {

    A match specification beginning with a capital letter matches HTTP
    requests with that request method.

   Path matches
      sub (/login) {

    A match specification beginning with a / is a path match. In the
    simplest case it matches a specific path. To match a path with a
    wildcard part, you can do:

      sub (/user/*) {

    This will match /user/<anything> where <anything> does not include a
    literal / character. The matched part becomes part of the match
    arguments. You can also match more than one part:

      sub (/user/*/*) {
        my ($self, $user_1, $user_2) = @_;

      sub (/domain/*/user/*) {
        my ($self, $domain, $user) = @_;

    and so on. To match an arbitrary number of parts, use -

      sub (/page/**) {

    This will result in an element per /-separated part so matched. Note
    that you can do

      sub (/page/**/edit) {

    to match an arbitrary number of parts up to but not including some final


      sub (/foo/...) {

    Will match /foo/ on the beginning of the path -and- strip it. This is
    designed to be used to construct nested dispatch structures, but can
    also prove useful for having e.g. an optional language specification at
    the start of a path.

    Note that the '...' is a "maybe something here, maybe not" so the above
    specification will match like this:

      /foo         # no match
      /foo/        # match and strip path to '/'
      /foo/bar/baz # match and strip path to '/bar/baz'

    Note: Since Web::Simple handles a concept of file extensions, * and **
    matchers will not by default match things after a final dot, and this
    can be modified by using *.* and **.* in the final position, i.e.:

      /one/*       matches /one/two.three    and captures "two"
      /one/*.*     matches /one/two.three    and captures "two.three"
      /**          matches /one/two.three    and captures "one/two"
      /**.*        matches /one/two.three    and captures "one/two.three"

   Extension matches
      sub (.html) {

    will match .html from the path (assuming the subroutine itself returns
    something, of course). This is normally used for rendering - e.g.

      sub (.html) {
        response_filter { $self->render_html($_[1]) }


      sub (.*) {

    will match any extension and supplies the extension as a match argument.

   Query and body parameter matches
    Query and body parameters can be match via

      sub (?<param spec>) { # match URI query
      sub (%<param spec>) { # match body params

    The body spec will match if the request content is either
    application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data - the latter of
    which is required for uploads, which are now handled experimentally -
    see below.

    The param spec is elements of one of the following forms -

      param~        # optional parameter
      param=        # required parameter
      @param~       # optional multiple parameter
      @param=       # required multiple parameter
      :param~       # optional parameter in hashref
      :param=       # required parameter in hashref
      :@param~      # optional multiple in hashref
      :@param=      # required multiple in hashref
      *             # include all other parameters in hashref
      @*            # include all other parameters as multiple in hashref

    separated by the & character. The arguments added to the request are one
    per non-:/* parameter (scalar for normal, arrayref for multiple), plus
    if any :/* specs exist a hashref containing those values.

    Please note that if you specify a multiple type parameter match, you are
    ensured of getting an arrayref for the value, EVEN if the current
    incoming request has only one value. However if a parameter is specified
    as single and multiple values are found, the last one will be used.

    For example to match a page parameter with an optional order_by
    parameter one would write:

      sub (?page=&order_by~) {
        my ($self, $page, $order_by) = @_;
        return unless $page =~ /^\d+$/;
        $page ||= 'id';
        response_filter {
          $_[1]->search_rs({}, $p);

    to implement paging and ordering against a DBIx::Class::ResultSet

    Another Example: To get all parameters as a hashref of arrayrefs, write:

      sub(?@*) {
        my ($self, $params) = @_;

    To get two parameters as a hashref, write:

      sub(?:user~&:domain~) {
        my ($self, $params) = @_; # params contains only 'user' and 'domain' keys

    You can also mix these, so:

      sub (?foo=&@bar~&:coffee=&@*) {
         my ($self, $foo, $bar, $params);

    where $bar is an arrayref (possibly an empty one), and $params contains
    arrayref values for all parameters -not- mentioned and a scalar value
    for the 'coffee' parameter.

    Note, in the case where you combine arrayref, single parameter and named
    hashref style, the arrayref and single parameters will appear in @_ in
    the order you defined them in the protoype, but all hashrefs will merge
    into a single $params, as in the example above.

   Upload matches (EXPERIMENTAL)
    Note: This feature is experimental. This means that it may not remain
    100% in its current form. If we change it, notes on updating your code
    will be added to the "CHANGES BETWEEN RELEASES" section below.

      sub (*foo=) { # param specifier can be anything valid for query or body

    The upload match system functions exactly like a query/body match,
    except that the values returned (if any) are "Web::Dispatch::Upload"

    Note that this match type will succeed in two circumstances where you
    might not expect it to - first, when the field exists but is not an
    upload field and second, when the field exists but the form is not an
    upload form (i.e. content type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    rather than "multipart/form-data"). In either of these cases, what
    you'll get back is a "Web::Dispatch::NotAnUpload" object, which will
    "die" with an error pointing out the problem if you try and use it. To
    be sure you have a real upload object, call

      $upload->is_upload # returns 1 on a valid upload, 0 on a non-upload field

    and to get the reason why such an object is not an upload, call

      $upload->reason # returns a reason or '' on a valid upload.

    Other than these two methods, the upload object provides the same
    interface as Plack::Request::Upload with the addition of a stringify to
    the temporary filename to make copying it somewhere else easier to

   Combining matches
    Matches may be combined with the + character - e.g.

      sub (GET + /user/*) {

    to create an AND match. They may also be combined withe the | character
    - e.g.

      sub (GET|POST) {

    to create an OR match. Matches can be nested with () - e.g.

      sub ((GET|POST) + /user/*) {

    and negated with ! - e.g.

      sub (!/user/foo + /user/*) {

    ! binds to the immediate rightmost match specification, so if you want
    to negate a combination you will need to use

      sub ( !(POST|PUT|DELETE) ) {

    and | binds tighter than +, so

      sub ((GET|POST) + /user/*) {


      sub (GET|POST + /user/*) {

    are equivalent, but

      sub ((GET + /admin/...) | (POST + /admin/...)) {


      sub (GET + /admin/... | POST + /admin/...) {

    are not - the latter is equivalent to

      sub (GET + (/admin/...|POST) + /admin/...) {

    which will never match!

    Note that for legibility you are permitted to use whitespace -

      sub (GET + /user/*) {

    but it will be ignored. This is because the perl parser strips
    whitespace from subroutine prototypes, so this is equivalent to

      sub (GET+/user/*) {

   Accessing the PSGI env hash
    In some cases you may wish to get the raw PSGI env hash - to do this,
    you can either use a plain sub -

      sub {
        my ($env) = @_;

    or use the PSGI_ENV constant exported to retrieve it:

      sub (GET + /foo + ?some_param=) {
        my $param = $_[1];
        my $env = $_[PSGI_ENV];

    but note that if you're trying to add a middleware, you should simply
    use Web::Simple's direct support for doing so.

      response_filter {
        # Hide errors from the user because we hates them, preciousss
        if (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' && $_[0]->[0] == 500) {
          $_[0] = [ 200, @{$_[0]}[1..$#{$_[0]}] ];
        return $_[0];

    The response_filter subroutine is designed for use inside dispatch

    It creates and returns a special dispatcher that always matches, and
    calls the block passed to it as a filter on the result of running the
    rest of the current dispatch chain.

    Thus the filter above runs further dispatch as normal, but if the result
    of dispatch is a 500 (Internal Server Error) response, changes this to a
    200 (OK) response without altering the headers or body.

      redispatch_to '/other/url';

    The redispatch_to subroutine is designed for use inside dispatch

    It creates and returns a special dispatcher that always matches, and
    instead of continuing dispatch re-delegates it to the start of the
    dispatch process, but with the path of the request altered to the
    supplied URL.

    Thus if you receive a POST to '/some/url' and return a redispatch to
    '/other/url', the dispatch behaviour will be exactly as if the same POST
    request had been made to '/other/url' instead.

    Note, this is not the same as returning an HTTP 3xx redirect as a
    response; rather it is a much more efficient internal process.

  Changes between 0.004 and 0.005
    *   dispatch {} replaced by declaring a dispatch_request method

        dispatch {} has gone away - instead, you write:

          sub dispatch_request {
            my $self = shift;
            sub (GET /foo/) { ... },

        Note that this method is still -returning- the dispatch code - just
        like dispatch did.

        Also note that you need the 'my $self = shift' since the magic $self
        variable went away.

    *   the magic $self variable went away.

        Just add 'my $self = shift;' while writing your 'sub
        dispatch_request {' like a normal perl method.

    *   subdispatch deleted - all dispatchers can now subdispatch

        In earlier releases you needed to write:

          subdispatch sub (/foo/...) {
              sub (GET /bar/) { ... },

        As of 0.005, you can instead write simply:

          sub (/foo/...) {
              sub (GET /bar/) { ... },

  Changes since Antiquated Perl
    *   filter_response renamed to response_filter

        This is a pure rename; a global search and replace should fix it.

    *   dispatch [] changed to dispatch {}

        Simply changing

          dispatch [ sub(...) { ... }, ... ];


          dispatch { sub(...) { ... }, ... };

        should work fine.

    Web::Simple was originally written to form part of my Antiquated Perl
    talk for Italian Perl Workshop 2009, but in writing the bloggery example
    I realised that having a bare minimum system for writing web
    applications that doesn't drive me insane was rather nice and decided to
    spend my attempt at nanowrimo for 2009 improving and documenting it to
    the point where others could use it.

    The Antiquated Perl talk can be found at
    <> and the slides
    are reproduced in this distribution under Web::Simple::AntiquatedPerl.

  IRC channel #web-simple

  No mailing list yet
    Because mst's non-work email is a bombsite so he'd never read it anyway.

  Git repository
    Gitweb is on and the clone URL is:

      git clone git://

    Matt S. Trout (mst) <>

    Devin Austin (dhoss) <>

    Arthur Axel 'fREW' Schmidt <>

    gregor herrmann (gregoa) <>

    John Napiorkowski (jnap) <>

    Josh McMichael <>

    Justin Hunter <>

    Kjetil Kjernsmo <>

    markie <>

    Christian Walde (Mithaldu) <>

    nperez <>

    Robin Edwards <>

    Copyright (c) 2010 the Web::Simple "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed

    This library is free software and may be distributed under the same
    terms as perl itself.