Device::Chip::MAX7219 - chip driver for a MAX7219


     use Device::Chip::MAX7219;
     my $chip = Device::Chip::MAX7219->new;
     $chip->mount( Device::Chip::Adapter::...->new )->get;
     $chip->intensity( 2 )->get;
     $chip->limit( 8 )->get;
     $chip->displaytest( 1 )->get;
     $chip->shutdown( 0 )->get;
     sleep 3;
     $chip->displaytest( 0 )->get;


    This Device::Chip subclass provides specific communication to a Maxim
    Integrated MAX7219 chip attached to a computer via an SPI adapter. As
    the MAX7221 chip operates virtually identically, this chip will work

    The reader is presumed to be familiar with the general operation of
    this chip; the documentation here will not attempt to explain or define
    chip-specific concepts or features, only the use of this module to
    access them.



       $chip->write_bcd( $digit, $val )->get

    Writes the value at the given digit, setting it to BCD mode if not
    already so. $val should be a single digit number or string, or one of
    the special recognised characters in BCD mode of -, E, H, L, P or
    space. The value may optionally be followed by a decimal point ., which
    will be set on the display.

    Switches the digit into BCD mode if not already so.


       $chip->write_raw( $digit, $bits )->get

    Writes the value at the given digit, setting the raw column lines to
    the 8-bit value given.

    Switches the digit into undecoded raw mode if not already so.


       $chip->write_hex( $digit, $val )->get

    Similar to write_bcd, but uses a segment decoder written in code rather
    than on the chip itself, to turn values into sets of segments to
    display. This makes it capable of displaying the letters A to F, in
    addition to numbers, - and space.


       $chip->set_decode( $bits )->get

    Directly sets the decode mode of all the digits at once. This is more
    efficient for initialising digits into BCD or raw mode, than individual
    calls to write_bcd or write_raw for each digit individually.


       $chip->intensity( $value )->get

    Sets the intensity register. $value must be between 0 and 15, with
    higher values giving a more intense output.


       $chip->limit( $columns )->get

    Sets the scan limit register. $value must be between 1 and 8, to set
    between 1 and 8 digits. This should only be used to adjust for the
    number of LED digits or columns units physically attached to the chip;
    not for normal display blanking, as it affects the overall intensity.

    Note that this is not directly the value written to the LIMIT register.


       $chip->shutdown( $off )->get

    Sets the shutdown register, entirely blanking the display and turning
    off all output if set to a true value, or restoring the display to its
    previous content if set false.

    Note that this is not directly the value written to the SHUTDOWN


       $chip->displaytest( $on )->get

    Sets the display test register, overriding the output control and
    turning on every LED if set to a true value, or restoring normal
    operation if set to false.


    Paul Evans <>