NAME Test::POE::Client::TCP - A POE Component providing TCP client services for test cases VERSION version 1.22 SYNOPSIS use strict; use Socket; use Test::More tests => 15; use POE qw(Wheel::SocketFactory Wheel::ReadWrite Filter::Line); use Test::POE::Client::TCP; my @data = ( 'This is a test', 'This is another test', 'This is the last test', ); POE::Session->create( package_states => [ 'main' => [qw( _start _accept _failed _sock_in _sock_err testc_registered testc_connected testc_disconnected testc_input testc_flushed )], ], heap => { data => \@data, }, ); $poe_kernel->run(); exit 0; sub _start { my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP]; $heap->{listener} = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new( BindAddress => '', SuccessEvent => '_accept', FailureEvent => '_failed', SocketDomain => AF_INET, # Sets the socket() domain SocketType => SOCK_STREAM, # Sets the socket() type SocketProtocol => 'tcp', # Sets the socket() protocol Reuse => 'on', # Lets the port be reused ); $heap->{testc} = Test::POE::Client::TCP->spawn(); return; } sub _accept { my ($kernel,$heap,$socket) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0]; my $wheel = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new( Handle => $socket, InputEvent => '_sock_in', ErrorEvent => '_sock_err', ); $heap->{wheels}->{ $wheel->ID } = $wheel; return; } sub _failed { my ($kernel,$heap,$operation,$errnum,$errstr,$wheel_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0..ARG3]; die "Wheel $wheel_id generated $operation error $errnum: $errstr\n"; return; } sub _sock_in { my ($heap,$input,$wheel_id) = @_[HEAP,ARG0,ARG1]; pass('Got input from client'); $heap->{wheels}->{ $wheel_id }->put( $input ) if $heap->{wheels}->{ $wheel_id }; return; } sub _sock_err { my ($heap,$wheel_id) = @_[HEAP,ARG3]; pass('Client disconnected'); delete $heap->{wheels}->{ $wheel_id }; return; } sub testc_registered { my ($kernel,$sender,$object) = @_[KERNEL,SENDER,ARG0]; pass($_[STATE]); my $port = ( sockaddr_in( $_[HEAP]->{listener}->getsockname() ) )[0]; $kernel->post( $sender, 'connect', { address => '', port => $port } ); return; } sub testc_connected { my ($kernel,$heap,$sender) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,SENDER]; pass($_[STATE]); $kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_server', $heap->{data}->[0] ); return; } sub testc_flushed { pass($_[STATE]); return; } sub testc_input { my ($heap,$input) = @_[HEAP,ARG0]; pass('Got something back from the server'); my $data = shift @{ $heap->{data} }; ok( $input eq $data, "Data matched: '$input'" ); unless ( scalar @{ $heap->{data} } ) { $heap->{testc}->terminate(); return; } $poe_kernel->post( $_[SENDER], 'send_to_server', $heap->{data}->[0] ); return; } sub testc_disconnected { my ($heap,$state) = @_[HEAP,STATE]; pass($state); delete $heap->{wheels}; delete $heap->{listener}; $heap->{testc}->shutdown(); return; } DESCRIPTION Test::POE::Client::TCP is a POE component that provides a TCP client framework for inclusion in client component test cases, instead of having to roll your own. Once registered with the component, a session will receive events related to connections made, disconnects, flushed output and input from the specified server. CONSTRUCTOR spawn Takes a number of optional arguments: 'alias', set an alias on the component; 'address', the remote address to connect to; 'port', the remote port to connect to; 'options', a hashref of POE::Session options; 'filter', specify a POE::Filter to use for client connections, default is POE::Filter::Line; 'inputfilter', specify a POE::Filter for client input; 'outputfilter', specify a POE::Filter for output to clients; 'localaddr', specify that connections be made from a particular local address; 'localport', specify that connections be made from a particular port; 'autoconnect', set to a true value to make the poco connect immediately; 'prefix', specify an event prefix other than the default of 'testc'; 'timeout', specify number of seconds to wait for socket timeouts; 'context', anything that can fit into a scalar, such as a ref, etc. 'usessl', enable SSL/TLS if POE::Component::SSLify is available; 'sslctx', set to a SSL Context to configure the SSL Connection; 'sslcert', set to a x509 Certificate(PEM encoded) to connect using a client cert; 'sslkey', set to a private Key(PEM encoded) to connect using a client cert; The semantics for filter, inputfilter and outputfilter are the same as for POE::Component::Server::TCP in that one may provide either a SCALAR, ARRAYREF or an OBJECT. If the component is spawned within another session it will automatically register the parent session to receive all events. address and port are optional within spawn, but if they aren't specified they must be provided to subsequent connects. If autoconnect is specified, address and port must also be defined. usessl is dependent on whether POE::Component::SSLify is available. METHODS connect Initiates a connection to the given server. Takes a number of parameters: 'address', the remote address to connect to; 'port', the remote port to connect to; 'localaddr', specify that connections be made from a particular local address, optional; 'localport', specify that connections be made from a particular port, optional; 'usessl', enable SSL/TLS if POE::Component::SSLify is available; address and port are optional if they have been already specified during spawn. session_id Returns the POE::Session ID of the component. shutdown Terminates the component. It will terminate any pending connects or connections. server_info Retrieves socket information about the current connection. In a list context it returns a list consisting of, in order, the server address, the server TCP port, our address and our TCP port. In a scalar context it returns a HASHREF with the following keys: 'peeraddr', the server address; 'peerport', the server TCP port; 'sockaddr', our address; 'sockport', our TCP port; send_to_server Send some output to the connected server. The first parameter is a string of text to send. This parameter may also be an arrayref of items to send to the client. If the filter you have used requires an arrayref as input, nest that arrayref within another arrayref. disconnect Places the server connection into pending disconnect state. Set this, then send an applicable message to the server using send_to_server() and the server connection will be terminated. terminate Immediately disconnects a server connection. wheel Returns the underlying POE::Wheel::ReadWrite object if we are currently connected to a server, undef otherwise. You can use this method to call methods on the wheel object to switch filters, etc. Exercise caution. alias Returns the currently configured alias. context Returns whatever was provided as context when the component was spawned. If nothing was provided then it returns nothing. INPUT EVENTS These are events that the component will accept: register Takes N arguments: a list of event names that your session wants to listen for, minus the 'testc_' prefix. Registering for 'all' will cause it to send all TESTC-related events to you; this is the easiest way to handle it. unregister Takes N arguments: a list of event names which you don't want to receive. If you've previously done a 'register' for a particular event which you no longer care about, this event will tell the poco to stop sending them to you. (If you haven't, it just ignores you. No big deal). connect Initiates a connection to the given server. Takes a number of parameters: 'address', the remote address to connect to; 'port', the remote port to connect to; 'localaddr', specify that connections be made from a particular local address, optional; 'localport', specify that connections be made from a particular port, optional; address and port are optional if they have been already specified during spawn. shutdown Terminates the component. It will terminate any pending connects or connections. send_to_server Send some output to the connected server. The first parameter is a string of text to send. This parameter may also be an arrayref of items to send to the client. If the filter you have used requires an arrayref as input, nest that arrayref within another arrayref. disconnect Places the server connection into pending disconnect state. Set this, then send an applicable message to the server using send_to_server() and the server connection will be terminated. terminate Immediately disconnects a server connection. OUTPUT EVENTS The component sends the following events to registered sessions. If you have changed the prefix option in spawn then substitute testc with the event prefix that you specified. testc_registered This event is sent to a registering session. ARG0 is the Test::POE::Client::TCP object. testc_socket_failed Generated if the component cannot make a socket connection. ARG0 contains the name of the operation that failed. ARG1 and ARG2 hold numeric and string values for $!, respectively. testc_connected Generated whenever a connection is established. ARG0 is the server's IP address, ARG1 is the server's TCP port. ARG3 is our IP address and ARG4 is our socket port. testc_disconnected Generated whenever we disconnect from the server. testc_input Generated whenever the server sends us some traffic. ARG0 is the data sent ( tokenised by whatever POE::Filter you specified ). testc_flushed Generated whenever anything we send to the server is actually flushed down the 'line'. KUDOS Contains code borrowed from POE::Component::Server::TCP by Rocco Caputo, Ann Barcomb and Jos Boumans. SEE ALSO POE POE::Component::Server::TCP AUTHOR Chris Williams <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Chris Williams, Rocco Caputo, Ann Barcomb and Jos Boumans. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.