NAME Weightbot::API - Get Weightbot iPhone app data from VERSION Version 0.01 SYNOPSIS There is a great iPhone weight tracking app It backups it's data to the site where everybody who uses that app can login and download the file with the records. This module gets that data and shows it as a pretty data structure. use Weightbot::API; use Data::Dumper; my $wi = Weightbot::API->new({ email => '', password => '******', }); say $wi->raw_data; say Dumper $wi->data; The object does not send requests to site until data is needed to be retrieved. The first executed method data() or raw_data() will get data from the site and the data will be stored in the object, so you can use raw_data() and data() many times without unnecessary requests. Site does not have real API, this module behaves as a browser. SUBROUTINES/METHODS new Creates new object. It has to get parameters 'email' and 'password'. Optionally you can specify 'site' with some custom site url (default is ''). The other optional thing is to specify 'raw_data'. my $wi = Weightbot::API->new({ email => '', password => '******', }); raw_data Returns the weight records in the format as they are stored on the site. Here is an example: date, kilograms, pounds 2008-12-04, 80.9, 178.4 2008-12-05, 82.6, 182.1 2008-12-06, 81.9, 180.6 2008-12-08, 82.6, 182.1 You can run this method many times but only the first run will get data from the site. data Returns the weight data in a structure. In that data some dates can be skipped. In this structure all the dates are present, but if there is no weight for that date the empty sting is used. An example for the data show in raw_data() method: $VAR1 = [ { 'n' => 1, 'date' => '2008-12-04', 'kg' => '80.9', 'lb' => '178.4' }, { 'n' => 2, 'date' => '2008-12-05', 'kg' => '82.6', 'lb' => '182.1' }, { 'n' => 3, 'date' => '2008-12-06', 'kg' => '81.9', 'lb' => '180.6' }, { 'n' => 4, 'date' => '2008-12-07', 'kg' => '', 'lb' => '' }, { 'n' => 5, 'date' => '2008-12-08', 'kg' => '82.6', 'lb' => '182.1' } ]; AUTHOR Ivan Bessarabov, `' BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to `bug-weightbot-api at', or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. You can also submit a bug or a feature request on GitHub. SOURCE CODE The source code for this module is hosted on GitHub SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Weightbot::API You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011 Ivan Bessarabov. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.