$Id: README,v 1.3 2000/12/04 00:33:49 jgoff Exp $ -------- Abstract -------- POE::Component::UserBase manages user authentication tasks for multiple sessions, and provides a convenient repository for persistent data for each user. It is used when you need to authenticate users of your POE application. It currently assumes that users cannot be logged in multiple times, but it does allow for a single user to exist in multiple domains. ------------ Requirements ------------ This module requires POE. This requirement is encoded in Makefile.PL. In addition, it requires Storable to maintain the persistent data. It can optionally use the DBI module if you wish to authenticate from a database of some sort. ------------------ Basic Installation ------------------ [Note: This section is written in advance of PoCo::UserBase's placement on the CPAN. These steps are wrong, and you will find no joy following them. Please read the Manual Installation section instead.] POE::Component::UserBase may be installed through the CPAN shell in the usual CPAN shell manner. In a modern CPAN shell, this typically is: $ perl -MCPAN -e 'install POE::Component::UserBase' You can also read this README from the CPAN shell: $ perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> readme POE::Component::UserBase And you can install the component from the CPAN prompt as well: cpan> install POE::Component::UserBase ------------------- Manual Installation ------------------- POE::Component::UserBase can also be installed manually. The latest CPAN version can be found at <ftp://ftp.cpan.org/pub/CPAN/authors/id/J/JG/JGOFF/> or in a similarly named directory at your favorite CPAN mirror. The most recent development snapshot, which only rarely contains hideous show-stopping bugs, is available from POE's web site at <http://poe.perl.org/>. Downloading and unpacking the distribution are left as exercises for the reader. To build and test it: perl Makefile.PL make test The test program, t/01_pools.t, makes an excellent sample program. If you would like to see more details about its operation, edit it and set the DEBUG constant to any value Perl considers "true". When you're ready to install the component: make install It should now be ready to use. --------------------------- EOF: Thank you for reading. ---------------------------