This is the PerlQt-2 alpha README.

PerlQt is a Perl interface to the C++ GUI toolkit, Qt.
For installation instructions, see the INSTALL file.
You must have Qt installed before installing PerlQt.
The homepage for Qt is

Included with this release are the class templates for Qt-2.0.2 and
Qt-1.44. They may work with other versions, but I haven't tested it.

Basic documentation for PerlQt can be found in the doc/ directory.
Please read starting.pod. Here is Hello World for PerlQt:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Qt 2.0;
use Qt::app;

$hello = Qt::PushButton->new('Hello World');
$hello->resize(100, 30);

exit $app->exec();

The first line is the #! for perl. PerlQt is currently for
the Unix version of Qt only. The next line, use Qt 2.0,
includes the PerlQt module into your program. The next line,
use Qt::app, creates $Qt::app, the global QApplication, and
exports it into our namespace. $Qt::app is equivalent to the
C++ Qt variable qApp.

The next line creates our primary Qt widget. All standard Qt
widgets have been renamed with s/^Q/Qt::/. Therefore, the
QPushButton widget in C++ Qt becomes Qt::PushButton in PerlQt.
To create any PerlQt object, call the the ->new method on the
object's class with the object constructor arguments.

The next line, $hello->resize(100, 30), demonstrates a method
call. If you look at the C++ Qt documentation, you will see
there are two different prototypes for QWidget::resize.
QWidget::resize(int, int) and QWidget::resize(const QRect &).
How do you know which one PerlQt supports? PerlQt supports
both with the same method. Since Perl knows how many arguments
are passed to a method, and what type those arguments are,
PerlQt automatically chooses which prototype to call.

When you call QWidget::resize in C++ Qt, it generates a resize
event which can be received by overriding the 
QWidget::resizeEvent virtual function. If you subclass a
PerlQt widget and override the Qt::Widget::resizeEvent method,
it will get called whenever there is a resize event.

The last three lines kick us into the event-loop, and cause
the program to start running.

The last element of C++ Qt is the callback mechanism,
signals and slots. In C++ Qt, signals and slots are parsed
with the moc program and compiled into the executable. In
PerlQt, signals and slots are created on the fly, with no
special syntax.

package MyWidget;
use Qt::slots 'gotClicked()';
$myWidget->connect($button, 'clicked()', 'gotClicked()');

Whenever a button is clicked, it emits the clicked() signal.
To receive the clicked() signal in PerlQt, you must declare a
slot. In this example, the slot is called gotClicked().
Every slot must be declared using a string as an argument
to use Qt::slots. You can then create a Perl method
&MyWidget::gotClicked which will get called whenever clicked()
is emitted by the button. You cannot overload PerlQt signals
or slots.

Included with PerlQt are the 14 Qt tutorials, ported to PerlQt.
Compare them with their equivalents included with C++ Qt.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or bug-fixes,
please e-mail me, Ashley Winters, at