Acme::CPANModules::TextTable - Modules that generate text tables

    This document describes version 0.004 of Acme::CPANModules::TextTable
    (from Perl distribution Acme-CPANModules-TextTable), released on

    To run benchmark with default option:

     % bencher --cpanmodules-module TextTable

    To run module startup overhead benchmark:

     % bencher --module-startup --cpanmodules-module TextTable

    For more options (dump scenario, list/include/exclude/add participants,
    list/include/exclude/add datasets, etc), see bencher or run "bencher

    Version numbers shown below are the versions used when running the
    sample benchmark.

    Text::ANSITable 0.501

    Text::ASCIITable 0.22

    Text::FormatTable 1.03

    Text::MarkdownTable 0.3.1

    Text::Table 1.133

    Text::Table::Tiny 1.00

    Text::Table::Sprintf 0.001

    Text::Table::TinyColor 0.002

    Text::Table::TinyColorWide 0.001

    Text::Table::TinyWide 0.001

    Text::Table::Org 0.02

    Text::Table::CSV 0.023

    Text::Table::HTML 0.003

    Text::Table::HTML::DataTables 0.002

    Text::TabularDisplay 1.38

    *   Text::ANSITable (perl_code)


    *   Text::ASCIITable (perl_code)


    *   Text::FormatTable (perl_code)


    *   Text::MarkdownTable (perl_code)


    *   Text::Table (perl_code)


    *   Text::Table::Tiny (perl_code)


    *   Text::Table::Sprintf (perl_code)


    *   Text::Table::TinyColor (perl_code)


    *   Text::Table::TinyColorWide (perl_code)


    *   Text::Table::TinyWide (perl_code)


    *   Text::Table::Org (perl_code)


    *   Text::Table::CSV (perl_code)


    *   Text::Table::HTML (perl_code)


    *   Text::Table::HTML::DataTables (perl_code)


    *   Text::TabularDisplay (perl_code)


    *   tiny (1x1)

    *   small (3x5)

    *   wide (30x5)

    *   long (3x300)

    *   large (30x300)

    Run on: perl: *v5.30.0*, CPU: *Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
    (2 cores)*, OS: *GNU/Linux Ubuntu version 19.10*, OS kernel: *Linux
    version 5.3.0-62-generic*.

    Benchmark with default options ("bencher --cpanmodules-module

     {dataset=>"large (30x300)"}
     | participant                   | rate (/s) | time (ms) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest |  errors   | samples |
     | Text::ANSITable               |       2.6 |     380   |                 0.00% |             16761.03% |   0.0015  |      20 |
     | Text::ASCIITable              |      11   |      87   |               333.66% |              3788.05% |   0.00039 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyColorWide    |      16   |      61   |               520.35% |              2617.98% |   0.00024 |      20 |
     | Text::FormatTable             |      18   |      57   |               567.02% |              2427.81% |   0.00021 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyWide         |      23   |      43   |               783.26% |              1808.95% |   0.00022 |      20 |
     | Text::TabularDisplay          |      40   |      20   |              1499.37% |               954.23% |   0.00026 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyColor        |      61   |      16   |              2204.74% |               631.58% |   0.00012 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Tiny             |      67   |      15   |              2451.72% |               560.77% | 3.5e-05   |      21 |
     | Text::MarkdownTable           |      89   |      11   |              3273.84% |               399.76% | 3.1e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table                   |     110   |       9   |              4102.66% |               301.20% | 4.4e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::HTML::DataTables |     120   |       8.2 |              4530.68% |               264.12% | 3.9e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::HTML             |     120   |       8.1 |              4547.02% |               262.84% | 3.8e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::CSV              |     220   |       4.6 |              8082.09% |               106.07% | 2.2e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Org              |     220   |       4.5 |              8294.84% |               100.85% | 3.4e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Sprintf          |     450   |       2.2 |             16761.03% |                 0.00% | 1.6e-05   |      20 |

     {dataset=>"long (3x300)"}
     | participant                   | rate (/s) | time (ms) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest |  errors   | samples |
     | Text::ANSITable               |        25 |    40     |                 0.00% |             12440.24% |   0.00015 |      20 |
     | Text::ASCIITable              |       120 |     8.5   |               364.79% |              2598.03% | 6.2e-05   |      21 |
     | Text::FormatTable             |       160 |     6.3   |               531.87% |              1884.61% | 1.5e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyColorWide    |       160 |     6.2   |               541.51% |              1854.80% | 3.5e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyWide         |       240 |     4.2   |               834.16% |              1242.40% | 1.1e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::TabularDisplay          |       340 |     3     |              1225.24% |               846.26% | 1.9e-05   |      21 |
     | Text::MarkdownTable           |       430 |     2.3   |              1584.10% |               644.63% | 1.5e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table                   |       500 |     2     |              1863.78% |               538.58% | 1.1e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Tiny             |       590 |     1.7   |              2227.61% |               438.76% | 2.9e-06   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyColor        |       590 |     1.7   |              2240.66% |               435.76% | 1.3e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::HTML::DataTables |       970 |     1     |              3725.85% |               227.78% | 7.6e-06   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::HTML             |      1000 |     0.96  |              4016.61% |               204.63% | 4.5e-06   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::CSV              |      1800 |     0.57  |              6889.39% |                79.42% | 6.9e-07   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Org              |      1800 |     0.556 |              7009.65% |                76.38% | 4.8e-07   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Sprintf          |      3200 |     0.32  |             12440.24% |                 0.00% | 6.8e-07   |      21 |

     {dataset=>"small (3x5)"}
     | participant                   | rate (/s) | time (μs) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest |  errors | samples |
     | Text::ANSITable               |       960 |  1000     |                 0.00% |              9820.22% | 8.7e-06 |      20 |
     | Text::ASCIITable              |      4900 |   210     |               406.80% |              1857.42% | 9.1e-07 |      20 |
     | Text::FormatTable             |      6900 |   140     |               617.83% |              1281.97% | 4.8e-07 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyColorWide    |      7500 |   130     |               682.13% |              1168.37% | 8.5e-07 |      20 |
     | Text::Table                   |      7700 |   130     |               698.19% |              1142.83% | 1.9e-07 |      24 |
     | Text::Table::TinyWide         |     11000 |    91     |              1037.74% |               771.93% | 2.1e-07 |      20 |
     | Text::MarkdownTable           |     12000 |    81     |              1191.67% |               668.02% | 9.4e-08 |      26 |
     | Text::TabularDisplay          |     15000 |    66     |              1486.35% |               525.35% | 9.5e-08 |      25 |
     | Text::Table::Tiny             |     21000 |    48     |              2049.30% |               361.55% | 1.1e-07 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::HTML::DataTables |     23000 |    43     |              2292.39% |               314.66% | 6.7e-08 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyColor        |     24000 |    41     |              2409.65% |               295.28% | 5.3e-08 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::HTML             |     47000 |    21     |              4808.67% |               102.10% | 2.7e-08 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Org              |     55000 |    18.2   |              5624.03% |                73.31% | 6.7e-09 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::CSV              |     77523 |    12.899 |              7961.45% |                23.06% | 2.3e-11 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Sprintf          |     95000 |    10     |              9820.22% |                 0.00% | 1.3e-08 |      20 |

     {dataset=>"tiny (1x1)"}
     | participant                   | rate (/s) | time (μs) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest |  errors | samples |
     | Text::ANSITable               |      3700 |    270    |                 0.00% |              7771.18% | 1.1e-06 |      20 |
     | Text::ASCIITable              |     17000 |     58    |               368.96% |              1578.42% | 1.3e-07 |      20 |
     | Text::Table                   |     20000 |     49    |               453.69% |              1321.57% | 1.6e-07 |      20 |
     | Text::MarkdownTable           |     25000 |     41    |               565.30% |              1083.10% |   1e-07 |      21 |
     | Text::FormatTable             |     34000 |     29    |               829.44% |               746.88% | 6.5e-08 |      21 |
     | Text::Table::HTML::DataTables |     37000 |     27    |               886.46% |               697.92% | 5.1e-08 |      22 |
     | Text::Table::TinyWide         |     40000 |     20    |              1056.14% |               580.82% | 7.4e-07 |      22 |
     | Text::Table::TinyColorWide    |     44000 |     23    |              1081.99% |               565.92% | 2.7e-08 |      20 |
     | Text::TabularDisplay          |     61000 |     16    |              1550.59% |               376.87% | 2.7e-08 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Tiny             |     64000 |     16    |              1633.92% |               353.95% | 5.3e-08 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyColor        |     92600 |     10.8  |              2401.55% |               214.65% | 9.5e-09 |      22 |
     | Text::Table::Org              |    148000 |      6.75 |              3902.12% |                96.68% | 3.3e-09 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::HTML             |    185000 |      5.41 |              4892.61% |                57.66% | 1.5e-09 |      25 |
     | Text::Table::Sprintf          |    280000 |      3.6  |              7417.74% |                 4.70% | 6.4e-09 |      22 |
     | Text::Table::CSV              |    290000 |      3.4  |              7771.18% |                 0.00% |   5e-09 |      20 |

     {dataset=>"wide (30x5)"}
     | participant                   | rate (/s) | time (ms) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest |  errors | samples |
     | Text::ANSITable               |       120 |    8.3    |                 0.00% |             11903.43% | 3.2e-05 |      20 |
     | Text::ASCIITable              |       530 |    1.9    |               336.04% |              2652.85% |   3e-06 |      20 |
     | Text::FormatTable             |       730 |    1.4    |               504.55% |              1885.52% | 2.9e-06 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyColorWide    |       870 |    1.2    |               615.28% |              1578.15% | 2.7e-06 |      20 |
     | Text::Table                   |      1200 |    0.83   |               888.71% |              1114.04% | 1.1e-06 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyWide         |      1200 |    0.82   |               905.59% |              1093.68% | 3.2e-06 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyColor        |      1600 |    0.64   |              1180.37% |               837.49% | 4.2e-06 |      20 |
     | Text::TabularDisplay          |      2310 |    0.432  |              1810.35% |               528.34% | 4.3e-07 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Tiny             |      3070 |    0.326  |              2430.80% |               374.29% | 2.1e-07 |      20 |
     | Text::MarkdownTable           |      3600 |    0.28   |              2859.84% |               305.54% | 6.4e-07 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::HTML::DataTables |      5660 |    0.177  |              4568.99% |               157.09% | 5.2e-08 |      21 |
     | Text::Table::HTML             |      6400 |    0.16   |              5220.86% |               125.59% |   2e-07 |      23 |
     | Text::Table::Org              |      9070 |    0.11   |              7383.21% |                60.40% | 5.3e-08 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::CSV              |     11900 |    0.0837 |              9756.52% |                21.78% | 2.7e-08 |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Sprintf          |     15000 |    0.069  |             11903.43% |                 0.00% |   8e-08 |      20 |

    Benchmark module startup overhead ("bencher --cpanmodules-module
    TextTable --module-startup"):

     | participant                   | time (ms) | mod_overhead_time  | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest |  errors   | samples |
     | Text::ANSITable               |     53    | 45                 |                 0.00% |               571.81% |   0.00026 |      20 |
     | Text::MarkdownTable           |     45    | 37                 |                18.67% |               466.09% |   0.0003  |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyColorWide    |     33    | 25                 |                61.65% |               315.61% | 8.6e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::TinyWide         |     31    | 23                 |                72.49% |               289.49% |   0.00016 |      20 |
     | Text::Table                   |     23    | 15                 |               135.78% |               184.93% |   7e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::ASCIITable              |     18    | 10                 |               199.24% |               124.51% | 5.8e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Tiny             |     15    |  7                 |               252.52% |                90.57% | 2.1e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::FormatTable             |     15    |  7                 |               265.13% |                83.99% | 5.5e-05   |      21 |
     | Text::Table::TinyColor        |     14    |  6                 |               286.37% |                73.88% | 3.5e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::TabularDisplay          |     10.6  |  2.6               |               402.33% |                33.74% | 1.1e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::HTML::DataTables |     10    |  2                 |               410.17% |                31.68% | 6.3e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::HTML             |      9.85 |  1.85              |               442.91% |                23.74% | 9.2e-06   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Sprintf          |      8.5  |  0.5               |               532.31% |                 6.25% | 3.9e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::CSV              |      8.4  |  0.4               |               539.98% |                 4.97% | 2.2e-05   |      20 |
     | Text::Table::Org              |      8.2  |  0.199999999999999 |               548.17% |                 3.65% | 1.9e-05   |      21 |
     | perl -e1 (baseline)           |      8    |  0                 |               571.81% |                 0.00% | 6.7e-05   |      20 |

    To display as an interactive HTML table on a browser, you can add option
    "--format html+datatables".

     | module                        | box_char *1) | color *2) | wide_char *3) |
     | Text::ANSITable               | yes          | yes       | yes           |
     | Text::ASCIITable              | no           | no        | no            |
     | Text::FormatTable             | no           | no        | no            |
     | Text::MarkdownTable           | no           | no        | no            |
     | Text::Table                   | N/A *4)      | no        | no            |
     | Text::Table::Tiny             | no           | yes       | no            |
     | Text::Table::Sprintf          | no           | no        | no            |
     | Text::Table::TinyColor        | no           | yes       | no            |
     | Text::Table::TinyColorWide    | no           | yes       | yes           |
     | Text::Table::TinyWide         | no           | no        | yes           |
     | Text::Table::Org              | no           | no        | no            |
     | Text::Table::CSV              | N/A *5)      | no        | yes           |
     | Text::Table::HTML             | N/A          | N/A       | N/A           |
     | Text::Table::HTML::DataTables | N/A          | N/A       | N/A           |
     | Text::TabularDisplay          | N/A *6)      | no        | yes           |


    1. box_char: Whether the module can utilize box-drawing characters
    2. color: Whether the module supports ANSI colors (i.e. text with ANSI
    color codes can still be aligned properly)
    3. wide_char: Whether the use of wide characters (e.g. Kanji) in cells
    does not cause the table to be misaligned
    4. Does not draw borders
    5. Irrelevant
    6. Irrelevant

    *   Text::ANSITable

    *   Text::ASCIITable

    *   Text::FormatTable

    *   Text::MarkdownTable

    *   Text::Table

    *   Text::Table::Tiny

    *   Text::Table::Sprintf

    *   Text::Table::TinyColor

    *   Text::Table::TinyColorWide

    *   Text::Table::TinyWide

    *   Text::Table::Org

    *   Text::Table::CSV

    *   Text::Table::HTML

    *   Text::Table::HTML::DataTables

    *   Text::TabularDisplay

  What are ways to use this module?
    Aside from reading it, you can install all the listed modules using

        % cpanmodules ls-entries TextTable | cpanm -n

    or Acme::CM::Get:

        % perl -MAcme::CM::Get=TextTable -E'say $_->{module} for @{ $LIST->{entries} }' | cpanm -n

    This module contains benchmark instructions. You can run a benchmark for
    some/all the modules listed in this Acme::CPANModules module using

        % bencher --cpanmodules-module TextTable

    This module also helps lcpan produce a more meaningful result for "lcpan
    related-mods" when it comes to finding related modules for the modules
    listed in this Acme::CPANModules module.

    Please visit the project's homepage at

    Source repository is at

    Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.

    Acme::CPANModules - about the Acme::CPANModules namespace

    cpanmodules - CLI tool to let you browse/view the lists

    perlancar <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2020, 2019 by

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.