=pod =head1 NAME Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key - MagicKeys for the Salmon Protocol =head1 SYNOPSIS use Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key; my $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new('RSA.mVgY...'); my $sig = $mkey->sign('This is a message'); if ($mkey->verify('This is a message', $sig)) { print 'The signature is valid for ' . $mkey->to_string; }; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key> implements MagicKeys as described in the L<MagicSignatures Specification|https://cdn.rawgit.com/salmon-protocol/salmon-protocol/master/draft-panzer-magicsig-01.html> to sign messages of the L<Salmon Protocol|http://www.salmon-protocol.org/>. MagicSignatures is a "robust mechanism for digitally signing nearly arbitrary messages". See L<Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope> for using MagicKeys to sign MagicEnvelopes. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 n print $mkey->n; $mkey->n('456789...'); The MagicKey modulus. =head2 e print $mkey->e; $mkey->e(3); The MagicKey public exponent. Defaults to 65537. =head2 d print $mkey->d; $mkey->d('234567...'); The MagicKey private exponent. =head2 size print $mkey->size; The MagicKey keysize in bits. =head1 METHODS =head2 new my $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new(<<'MKEY'); RSA. mVgY8RN6URBTstndvmUUPb4UZTdwvw mddSKE5z_jvKUEK6yk1u3rrC9yN8k6 FilGj9K0eeUPe2hf4Pj-5CmHww==. AQAB. Lgy_yL3hsLBngkFdDw1Jy9TmSRMiH6 yihYetQ8jy-jZXdsZXd8V5ub3kuBHH k4M39i3TduIkcrjcsiWQb77D8Q== MKEY $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new( n => '13145688881420345...', d => '87637925876135637...', e => 3 ); The Constructor accepts MagicKeys in L<compact notation|https://cdn.rawgit.com/salmon-protocol/salmon-protocol/master/draft-panzer-magicsig-01.html#anchor13> or by attributes. =head2 generate my $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new(size => 1024); Generate a new key. Requires L<Math::Prime::Util> to be installed. Accepts the attributes C<size> and C<e>. In case no C<size> attribute is given, the default key size for generation is 512 bits, which is also the minimum size. The maximum size is 4096 bits. Random prime trials are limited to 100 rounds. =head2 sign my $sig = $mkey->sign('This is a message'); Signs a message and returns the signature. The key needs to be a private key. The signature algorithm is based on L<RFC3447|http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3447.txt>. =head2 verify my $sig = $priv_key->sign('This is a message'); # Successfully verify signature if ($pub_key->verify('This is a message', $sig)) { print 'The signature is okay.'; } # Fail to verify signature else { print 'The signature is wrong!'; }; Verifies a signature of a message based on the public component of the key. Returns a C<true> value on success and C<false> otherwise. =head2 to_string my $pub_key = $mkey->to_string; my $priv_key = $mkey->to_string(1); Returns the public key as a string in L<compact notation|https://cdn.rawgit.com/salmon-protocol/salmon-protocol/master/draft-panzer-magicsig-01.html#anchor13>. If a C<true> value is passed to the method, the full key (including the private exponent if existing) is returned. =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 b64url_encode use Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key qw/b64url_encode/; print b64url_encode('This is a message'); print b64url_encode('This is a message', 0); Encodes a string as base-64 with URL safe characters. A second parameter indicates, if trailing equal signs are wanted. The default is C<true>. This differs from L<MIME::Base64::encode_base64|MIME::Base64/"encode_base64">. The function can be exported. =head2 b64url_decode use Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key qw/b64url_decode/; print b64url_decode('VGhpcyBpcyBhIG1lc3NhZ2U='); Decodes a base-64 string with URL safe characters. Characters not part of the character set are silently ignored. The function can be exported. =head1 DEPENDENCIES For signing and verification there are no dependencies other than Perl v5.10.1 and core modules. For key generation L<Math::Prime::Util> v0.21 is necessary. Either L<Math::BigInt::GMP> (preferred) or L<Math::BigInt::Pari> is strongly recommended for speed improvement (signing and verification) as well as L<Math::Prime::Util::GMP> and L<Math::Random::ISAAC::XS> (key generation). =head1 KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS The signing and verification is not guaranteed to be compatible with other implementations, as the specification changed over time! =head1 SEE ALSO L<Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope>, L<Crypt::RSA::DataFormat>, L<Alt::Crypt::RSA::BigInt>, L<https://github.com/sivy/Salmon>. =head1 AVAILABILITY https://github.com/Akron/Crypt-MagicSignatures-Key =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2012-2017, L<Nils Diewald|http://nils-diewald.de/>. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. =cut