Mojo::JSON::MaybeXS - use JSON::MaybeXS as the JSON encoder for


     use Mojo::JSON::MaybeXS;
     use Mojo::JSON qw/encode_json decode_json true false/;
     # Preload for scripts using Mojo::JSON
     $ perl -MMojo::JSON::MaybeXS -S morbo
     # Must be set in environment for hypnotoad
     $ PERL5OPT=-MMojo::JSON::MaybeXS hypnotoad


    Mojo::JSON::MaybeXS is a monkey-patch module for using JSON::MaybeXS as
    the JSON encoder for a Mojolicious application, or anything else using
    Mojo::JSON. It must be loaded before Mojo::JSON so the new functions
    will be properly exported.


    JSON::MaybeXS may load different modules behind the scenes depending on
    what is available, and these modules have slightly different behavior
    from Mojo::JSON and occasionally from each other. References to the
    behavior of JSON::MaybeXS below are actually describing the behavior
    shared among the modules it loads.

    JSON::MaybeXS is used with the options canonical, allow_nonref,
    allow_unknown, allow_blessed, and convert_blessed. canonical enables
    sorting of hash keys when encoding to JSON objects as Mojo::JSON does.
    allow_nonref allows encoding and decoding of bare values outside of
    hash/array references, since Mojo::JSON does not prevent this, in
    accordance with RFC 7159 <>. The
    other options prevent the encoder from blowing up when encountering
    values that cannot be represented in JSON to better match the behavior
    of Mojo::JSON; in most cases, where Mojo::JSON would stringify a
    reference, JSON::MaybeXS with these settings will encode it to null.
    See below for more specifics.

    To better match the behavior of Mojo::JSON, certain options may be
    enabled depending on the backend that is used. If Cpanel::JSON::XS
    version 3.0112 or greater is loaded, it will be used with the option
    stringify_infnan. If either Cpanel::JSON::XS of at least version 3.0206
    or JSON::PP is loaded, it will be used with the option escape_slash.

    As of this writing, the author has found the following

 Object Conversion

    Both JSON::MaybeXS and Mojo::JSON will attempt to call the TO_JSON
    method of a blessed reference to produce a JSON-friendly structure. If
    that method does not exist, Mojo::JSON or Cpanel::JSON::XS version
    3.0207 or greater will stringify the object, while JSON::XS or JSON::PP
    will always encode it to null.

     print encode_json([DateTime->now]);
     # Mojo::JSON or Cpanel::JSON::XS >= 3.0207: ["2014-11-30T04:31:13"]
     # JSON::XS or JSON::PP: [null]

 Unblessed References

    JSON::MaybeXS does not allow unblessed references other than to hashes,
    arrays, or the scalar values 0 and 1, and will encode them to null.
    Mojo::JSON will treat all scalar references the same as references to 0
    or 1 and will encode them to true or false depending on their boolean
    value. Other references (code, filehandle, etc) will be stringified.

     print encode_json([\'asdf', sub { 1 }]);
     # Mojo::JSON: [true,"CODE(0x11d1650)"]
     # JSON::MaybeXS: [null,null]


    Mojo::JSON currently escapes the slash character / for security
    reasons, as well as the unicode characters u2028 and u2029.
    Cpanel::JSON::XS version 3.0206 or greater and JSON::PP will have the
    option set to escape the slash character, and JSON::XS does not escape
    these characters. This does not affect decoding of the resulting JSON.

     print encode_json(["/\x{2028}/\x{2029}"]);
     # Mojo::JSON: ["\/\u2028\/\u2029"]
     # Cpanel::JSON::XS >= 3.0206 or JSON::PP: ["\/ \/ "]
     # JSON::XS: ["/ / "]
     # Both decode to arrayref containing: "/\x{2028}/\x{2029}"

 inf and nan

    Mojo::JSON encodes inf and nan to strings. Cpanel::JSON::XS version
    3.0112 or greater will also stringify inf and nan. However, JSON::XS or
    JSON::PP will encode them as numbers (barewords) producing invalid

     print encode_json([9**9**9, -sin 9**9**9]);
     # Mojo::JSON or Cpanel::JSON::XS >= 3.0112: ["inf","nan"] (on Linux)
     # JSON::XS or JSON::PP: [inf,nan]

 Upgraded Numbers

    JSON::MaybeXS, if using JSON::XS or JSON::PP, will attempt to guess if
    a value to be encoded is numeric or string based on its last usage.
    Therefore, using a variable containing 13 in a string will cause it to
    be encoded as "13" even if the variable itself was not changed.
    Mojo::JSON or Cpanel::JSON::XS version 3.0109 or greater will encode 13
    as 13 regardless of whether it has been used as a string.

     my ($num1, $num2) = (13, 14);
     my $str = "$num1";
     print encode_json([$num1, $num2, $str]);
     # Mojo::JSON or Cpanel::JSON::XS >= 3.0109: [13,14,"13"]
     # JSON::XS or JSON::PP: ["13",14,"13"]


    This is a monkey-patch of one of a few possible modules into another,
    and they have incompatibilities, so there will probably be bugs. Report
    any issues on the public bugtracker.


    Dan Book,


    Sebastian Riedel, author of Mojolicious, for basic implementation.


    Copyright 2014, Dan Book.

    This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.


    Mojo::JSON, JSON::MaybeXS, Cpanel::JSON::XS, JSON::XS, JSON::PP