NAME App::OpenVZ::BCWatch - Monitor the OpenVZ user_beancounters file SYNOPSIS use App::OpenVZ::BCWatch; $watch = App::OpenVZ::BCWatch->new; $watch->process; DESCRIPTION `App::OpenVZ::BCWatch' monitors the /proc/user_beancounters file and sends mail notifications whenever important values change (as defined by the user). The recommended usage of this application module is to use the provided vzwatchd daemon. Version 2.5 of the user_beancounters file is supported. CONSTRUCTOR new $watch = App::OpenVZ::BCWatch->new; Instantiate an `App::OpenVZ::BCWatch' object. METHODS process $watch->process; Inspect whether the user_beancounters file differs from the last run, and if, report the differences via mail. DAEMON USAGE Run vzwatchd as root without arguments to obtain a list of commands. CONFIGURATION FILE When vzwatchd is *started* initially, the /etc/vzwatchd.conf file will be generated. The configuration will then subsequently remain inactive until the `_active' flag is either set within or deleted from the configuration file. Syntax The configuration file is being parsed by Config::File. Unless noted otherwise, each option takes exactly one value. Specifying more than one value for an option requires that the values are separated by whitespace. Options Adjustable options with defaults are: * `mail[from]' Mail sender address. Defaults to `root@localhost'. * `mail[to]' Mail recipient address. Defaults to `root@localhost'. * `mail[subject]' Mail subject line. Defaults to: `vzwatchd: NOTICE'. * `monitor_fields' One or more field names to monitor for changes. Defaults to: `failcnt'. * `sleep' Sleep interval in seconds. Defaults to 60. * `verbose' Be verbose? Defaults to false. * `_active' Configuration active? Defaults to false. Additional options with defaults are: * `input_file' Location of the user_beancounters file. Defaults to /proc/user_beancounters. * `data_file' Location of the data file. Defaults to $HOME/vzwatchd.dat. CURRENT LIMITATIONS * Cannot parse anything else than the user_beancounters file. * Only version 2.5 of the user_beancounters file is known to work. * Fixed mail report template. * No more than one mail recipient. BUGS & CAVEATS Note that the sender and recipient mail address options with defaults might require adjustment in order for notifications to be delivered. SEE ALSO OpenVZ::BC, AUTHOR Steven Schubiger <> LICENSE This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See