use Array::Iter qw(array_iter list_iter);
      my $iter = array_iter([1,2,3,4,5]);
      while (my $val = $iter->()) { ... }
      $iter = list_iter(1,2,3,4,5);
      while (my $val = $iter->()) { ... }


    This module provides a simple iterator which is a coderef that you can
    call repeatedly to get elements of a list/array. When the elements are
    exhausted, the coderef will return undef. No class/object involved.

    The principle is very simple and you can do it yourself with:

     my $iter = do {
         my $i = 0;
         sub {
             if ($i < @$ary) {
                 return $ary->[$i++];
             } else {
                 return undef;

    Caveat: if list/array contains an undef element, it cannot be
    distinguished with an exhausted iterator.


    Array::Iterator, which also lists some other related modules.