NAME Acme::Text::Rhombus - Draw a rhombus with letters SYNOPSIS use Acme::Text::Rhombus qw(rhombus); print rhombus( lines => 15, letter => 'c', case => 'upper', fillup => '+', forward => 1, ); __OUTPUT__ +++++++C+++++++ ++++++DDD++++++ +++++EEEEE+++++ ++++FFFFFFF++++ +++GGGGGGGGG+++ ++HHHHHHHHHHH++ +IIIIIIIIIIIII+ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ +KKKKKKKKKKKKK+ ++LLLLLLLLLLL++ +++MMMMMMMMM+++ ++++NNNNNNN++++ +++++OOOOO+++++ ++++++PPP++++++ +++++++Q+++++++ FUNCTIONS rhombus Draws a rhombus with letters and returns it as a string. If no option value is supplied or if it is invalid, then a default will be silently assumed (omitting all options will return a rhombus of 25 lines). Given that the specified number of lines is even, it will be incremented to satisfy the requirement of being an odd number. Options: * "lines" Number of lines to be printed. Defaults to 25. * "letter" Letter to start with. Defaults to "a". * "case" Lower/upper case of the letters within the rhombus. Defaults to "upper". * "fillup" The fillup character. Defaults to "+". * "forward" Forward letter enumeration. Defaults to boolean 1. EXPORT Functions "rhombus()" is exportable. AUTHOR Steven Schubiger <> LICENSE This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See <>