Wasm - Write Perl extensions using Wasm


    version 0.18



     package MathStuff;
     use strict;
     use warnings;
     use base qw( Exporter );
     use Wasm
       -api => 0,
       -exporter => 'ok',
       -wat => q{
           (func (export "add") (param i32 i32) (result i32)
             local.get 0
             local.get 1
           (func (export "subtract") (param i32 i32) (result i32)
             local.get 0
             local.get 1
           (memory (export "frooble") 2 3)

     use MathStuff qw( add subtract );
     print add(1,2), "\n";      # prints 3
     print subtract(3,2), "\n", # prints 1


    WARNING: WebAssembly and Wasmtime are a moving target and the interface
    for these modules is under active development. Use with caution.

    The goal of this project is for Perl and WebAssembly to be able to call
    each other transparently without having to know or care which module is
    implemented in which language. Perl subroutines and WebAssembly
    functions can easily be imported and exported between Perl and
    WebAssembly (see Wasm::Func for details). WebAssembly global variables
    can be imported into Perl using tied scalars (see Wasm::Global for
    details). WebAssembly linear memory can be queried and manipulated by
    Perl (see Wasm::Memory for details). Perl can throw or catch traps into
    or out of WebAssembly (see Wasm::Trap for details). WebAssembly can
    optionally be loaded directly by Perl without writing any Perl wrappers
    at all (see Wasm::Hook for details).

    The example above shows WebAssembly Text (WAT) inlined into the Perl
    code for readability. In most cases you will want to compile your
    WebAssembly from a higher level language (Rust, C, Go, etc.), and
    install it alongside your Perl Module (.pm file) and use the -self
    option below. That is for lib/ you would install the Wasm file
    into lib/Math.wasm, and use the -self option.

    Modules using Wasm can optionally use Exporter to export WebAssembly
    functions into other modules. Using -export 'ok' functions can be
    imported from a calling module on requests. -export 'all' will export
    all exported functions by default.

    The current implementation uses Wasm::Wasmtime, which is itself based
    on the Rust project Wasmtime. This module doesn't expose the
    Wasm::Wasmtime interface, and implementation could be changed in the



     use Wasm -api => 0;

    As of this writing, since the API is subject to change, this must be
    provided and set to 0.


     use Wasm -api => 0, -exporter => 'all';
     use Wasm -api => 0, -exporter => 'ok';

    Configure the caller as an Exporter, with all the functions in the
    WebAssembly either @EXPORT (all) or @EXPORT_OK (ok).


     use Wasm -api => 0, -file => $file;

    Path to a WebAssembly file in either WebAssembly Text (.wat) or
    WebAssembly binary (.wasm) format.


     use Wasm -api => 0, -global => [ $name, $type, $mutability, $init ];

    Creates a global variable for the calling Pure-Perl module that can be
    imported into WebAssembly. If you use this option you cannot specify
    the -wat or -file or -self options. For a detailed example see


     use Wasm -api => 0, -package => $package;

    Install subroutines in to $package namespace instead of the calling


     use Wasm -api => 0, -self;

    Look for a WebAssembly Text (.wat) or WebAssembly binary (.wasm) file
    with the same base name as the Perl source this is called from.

    For example if you are calling this from lib/Foo/, it will look
    for lib/Foo/Bar.wat and lib/Foo/Bar.wasm. If both exist, then it will
    use the newer of the two.


     use Wasm -api => 0, -wat => $wat;

    String containing WebAssembly Text (WAT). Helpful for inline
    WebAssembly inside your Perl source file.



    This hash maps the Wasm module names to the files from which the Wasm
    was loaded. It is roughly analogous to the %INC hash in Perl.


    As mentioned before as of this writing this dist is a work in progress.
    I won't intentionally break stuff without a compelling reason, but
    practicality may demand it in some situations.

    This interface is implemented using the bundled Wasm::Wasmtime family
    of modules, which depends on the Wasmtime project.

    The default way of handling out-of-bounds memory errors is to allocate
    large PROT_NONE pages at startup. While these pages do not consume many
    resources in practice (at least in the way that they are used by
    Wasmtime), they can cause out-of-memory errors on Linux systems with
    virtual memory limits (ulimit -v in the bash shell). Similar techniques
    are common in other modern programming languages, and this is more a
    limitation of the Linux kernel than anything else. Setting the limits
    on the virtual memory address size probably doesn't do what you think
    it is doing and you are probably better off finding a way to place
    limits on process memory.

    However, as a workaround for environments that choose to set a virtual
    memory address size limit anyway, Wasmtime provides configurations to
    not allocate the large PROT_NONE pages at some performance cost. The
    testing plugin Test2::Plugin::Wasm tries to detect environments that
    have the virtual memory address size limits and sets this configuration
    for you. For production you can set the environment variable
    PERL_WASM_WASMTIME_MEMORY to tune the appropriate memory settings
    exactly as you want to (see the environment section of Wasm::Wasmtime.



      Interface to WebAssembly functions from Perl, and Perl subroutines
      from WebAssembly.


      Interface to WebAssembly globals from Perl, and Perl globals from


      Interface to WebAssembly memory from Perl.


      Interface to WebAssembly traps.


      Perl WebAssembly command line tool. Run WebAssembly programs from the
      command line, or dump their export/import interfaces.


      Low level interface to wasmtime.


      Load WebAssembly modules as though they were Perl modules.


    Graham Ollis <>


    This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Graham Ollis.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.