Alien - External libraries wrapped up for your viewing pleasure!


    version 0.95


     % perldoc Alien


    Alien is a package that exists just to hold together an idea, the idea
    of Alien:: packages, so there is no code here, just motivation for

    The intent of Alien is to provide a mechanism for specifying,
    installing and using non-native dependencies on CPAN. Frequently, this
    is a C library used by XS, but it could be anything non-Perl usable
    from Perl. Typical characteristics of an Alien distribution include:

    Probe for or install library during the build process

      Usually this means that Module::Build or ExtUtils::MakeMaker will be
      extended to probe for an existing system library that meets the
      criteria of the Alien module. If it cannot be found the library is
      downloaded from the Internet and installed into a share directory
      (See File::ShareDir).

      Usually, though not necessarily, this is a C library. It could be
      anything though, some JavaScript, Java .class files. Anything

    The module itself provides attributes needed to use the library

      This means that if you are writing Alien::Foo it will provide class
      or member functions that will provide the necessary information for
      using the library that was probed for or installed during the
      previous step.

      If, for example, Alien::Foo were providing a dependency on the C
      library libfoo, then you might provide Alien::Foo->cflags and
      Alien::Foo->libs class methods to return the compiler and library
      flags required for using the library.

    These are suggestions only, and this module does not provide a
    framework, because the needs of a non-native dependency on CPAN are
    potentially quite diverse. That being said, if your library uses a
    standard build system, like autoconf, make or CMake you should consider
    using Alien::Build and Alien::Base which makes it easy to write Alien
    modules that work with many common types of package build systems.


    This section contains some recommendations from my own experience in
    writing Alien modules and from working on the Alien::Base team.

    When building from source code, build static libraries whenever

      Or at least isolate the dynamic libraries so they can be used by FFI,
      but do not use them to build XS modules. The reason for this is that
      if an end user upgrades their version of Alien::Foo it may break the
      already installed version of Foo::XS that used it when it was

    On Windows (ActiveState, Strawberry Perl)

      Many open source libraries use autoconf and other Unix focused tools
      that may not be easily available to the native (non-Cygwin) windows
      Perl. Alien::MSYS provides just enough of these tools for autoconf
      and may be sufficient for some other build tools. Also, Alien::Build
      and Alien::Base have hooks to detect autoconf and inject Alien::MSYS
      as a requirement on Windows when it is needed.

    MB vs EUMM

      The original Alien documentation recommends the use of Module::Build
      (MB), which at the time was recommended over ExtUtils::MakeMaker
      (EUMM). Many Alien distributions have been written using MB.
      Including the original installer that came with Alien::Base,
      Alien::Base::ModuleBuild. I believe this is because it is an easier
      build system to adapt to the Alien concept. MB is no longer
      universally recommended over EUMM, and has been removed from Perl's
      core, so if you can, this author recommends using EUMM instead.
      Alien::Build and Alien::Build::MM provide tools for creating EUMM
      based Aliens. Another example worth looking at is Alien::pkgconf,
      which uses EUMM, but isn't based on Alien::Base or Alien::Build.


    What follows is the original Alien manifesto written by Artur Bergman.
    It is included here, because much of it is still largely true today,
    but it was out of necessity quite aspirational at the time it was


    James and I ended up doing a build system for Fotango, lots of people
    have done a build system, it is a pretty boring task. The boring task
    is really all the mindlessly stupid things you need to do to build C
    libraries that Perl modules require, these C modules usually have
    unusual installation systems or require vastly different options. So
    CPAN modules install easy, 3rd party stuff is nasty.

    So, suddenly an idea struck me, Alien packages! Imagine a CPAN module
    that has as its only task to make sure a certain library is installed!
    That means that you can write all the voodoo in your Build.PL file and
    then just make sure the module requires the correct Alien module! Then
    anything that install Perl modules will deal with it automatically!


    So, what should an Alien module do? It should make sure that the target
    is installed and it should provide the caller with enough information
    to use it.

    The idea is that you use it to make sure it is there, and you call
    class methods to find out what to use. These class methods will be
    individually specified by the stand alone Alien modules.

 No Framework!

    The reason this is so loosely worded is because we have no idea what
    common functionality will be needed, so we will let evolution work for
    us and see what individual Alien packages need and then eventually
    factor it out into this packages. I would like to avoid a top down
    design approach.

 Responsibilities of a Alien module.

    On installation, make sure the required package is there, otherwise
    install it.

    On usage, make sure the required package is there, else croak.

    Bundle the source with the module, or download it.

    Allow module authors to access information it gathers.

    Document itself well.

    Preferably use Module::Build. [ see caveats above ]

    Be sane.


    No support needed.



      A specification for probing, building packages for Aliens.


      A new installer agnostic Alien builder, intended to replace
      Alien::Base::ModuleBuild. See Alien::Build::Manual::AlienAuthor for
      details on how to create your own Alien::Build based Alien.


      An (optional) base class and framework for creating Alien


      Frequently Asked Questions for Alien::Base. Mostly specific to
      Alien::Base, but also addresses some challenges for Alien in general.

    #native on <>

      This channel on IRC is dedicated to those interested in using native
      interfaces in Perl. It is specifically geared to Alien, Alien::Base
      and FFI.

    Perl5 Alien mailing list

      This mailing list is mainly for Alien::Base, and announcements for
      new versions will be posted there, but general Alien inquires are
      also welcome.


      * Arthur Bergman <>

      * Graham Ollis <>


    This software is copyright (c) 2003 by Arthur Bergman

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.