use Data::Sah::Resolve qw(resolve_schema);
     my $sch = resolve_schema("int");
     # => ["int", []]
     my $sch = resolve_schema("posint*");
     # => ["int", [{min=>1}, {req=>1}]
     my $sch = resolve_schema([posint => div_by => 3]);
     # => ["int", {min=>1}, {div_by=>3}]
     my $sch = resolve_schema(["posint", "merge.delete.min"=>undef, div_by => 3]);
     # => ["int", {div_by=>3}]



 resolve_schema([ \%opts, ] $sch) => sch

    Sah schemas can be defined in terms of other schemas. The resolving
    process follows the base schema recursively until it finds a builtin
    type as the base.

    This routine performs the following steps:

    1. Normalize the schema

      Unless schema_is_normalized option is true, in which case schema is
      assumed to be normalized already.

    2. Check if the schema's type is a builtin type

      Currently this is done by checking if the module of the name
      Data::Sah::Type::<type> is loadable. If it is a builtin type then we
      are done.

    3. Check if the schema's type is the name of another schema

      This is done by checking if Sah::Schema::<name> module exists and is
      loadable. If this is the case then we retrieve the base schema from
      the $schema variable in the Sah::Schema::<name> package and repeat
      the process while accumulating and/or merging the clause sets.

    4. If schema's type is neither, we die.

    Returns [base_type, clause_sets]. If return_intermediates option is
    true, then the third elements will be the list of intermediate schema

    Example 1: int.

    First we normalize to ["int",{},{}]. The type is int and it is a
    builtin type (Data::Sah::Type::int exists) so the final result is
    ["int", []].

    Example 2: posint*.

    First we normalize to ["posint",{req=>1},{}]. The type is posint and it
    is the name of another schema (Sah::Schema::posint). We retrieve the
    schema which is ["int", {summary=>"Positive integer (1,2,3,...)",
    min=>1}, {}]. We now try to resolve int and find that it's a builtin
    type. So the final result is: ["int", [ {req=>1}, {summary=>"Positive
    integer (1,2,3,...)", min=>1} ]].

    Known options:

      * schema_is_normalized => bool (default: 0)

      When set to true, function will skip normalizing schema and assume
      input schema is normalized.

      * merge_clause_sets => bool (default: 1)

      * return_intermediates => bool


    Sah, Data::Sah