AltaVista Search SDK support package Copyright (c)2000 AltaVista Company All Rights Reserved. This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by AltaVista Company. Readme for PerlSDK NAME AltaVista::PerlSDK - Perl extension for AltaVista Search Software Development Kit SYNOPSIS use AltaVista::PerlSDK; avs_adddate(idx, yr, mo, da, startloc) avs_addfield(idx, pFname, startloc, endloc) avs_addliteral(idx, pWord, loc) avs_addvalue(idx, valtype, value, loc) avs_addword(idx, pWords, loc, pNumWords) avs_buildmode(idx) avs_buildmode_ex(idx, ntiers) avs_close(idx) avs_compact(idx, bMore_p) avs_compactionneeded(idx) avs_compact_minor(idx, bMore_p) avs_count(idx, pWordPrefix, pCountsHdl) avs_count_close(CountsHdl) avs_count_getcount(CountsHdl) avs_count_getword(CountsHdl) avs_countnext(CountsHdl) avs_default_options(pOptions) avs_define_valtype(name, minval, maxval, valtype_p) avs_define_valtype_multiple(name, minval, maxval, numvalues, valtype_p) avs_deletedocid(idx, pDocId, pCount) avs_enddoc(idx) avs_errmsg(code) avs_getindexmode(idx) avs_getindexversion(idx) avs_getindexversion_counts_v(countsHdl) avs_getindexversion_search_v(searchHdl) avs_getmaxloc(idx, pMaxloc) avs_getsearchresults(searchHdl, resultNum) avs_getsearchterms(psearchHdl, termNum, term, count) avs_licenseinfo(key, expDate, docLimit) avs_lookup_valtype(name) avs_makestable(idx) avs_open(parameters, path, mode, pIdx) avs_querymode(idx) avs_release_valtypes() avs_search(idx, pQuery, pBoolQuery, pOptions, pDocsFound, pDocsReturned, pTermCount, pSearchHdl) avs_search_close(pSearchHdl) avs_search_ex(idx, pQuery, pBoolQuery, pOptions, searchsince, pDocsFound, pDocsReturned, pTermCount, pSearchHdl) avs_search_genrank(idx, pBoolQuery, pRankTerms, pRankSetup, pOptions, searchsince, pDocsFound, pDocsReturned, pSearchHdl) avs_search_getdata(searchHdl) avs_search_getdatalen(searchHdl) avs_search_getdate(psearchHdl, year, month, day) avs_search_getdocid(searchHdl) avs_search_getdocidlen(searchHdl) avs_search_getrelevance(psearchHdl) avs_setdocdata(idx, pDocData, len) avs_setdocdate(idx, year, month, day) avs_setdocdatetime(idx, year, month, day, hour, minute, second) avs_setparseflags(idx, parseflags) avs_setrankval(idx, valtype, value) avs_startdoc(idx, pDocId, flags, pStartLoc) avs_timer(current) avs_total_docs(idx, pDoccount) avs_version(license_key) avs_create_options(limit, timeout, flags) avs_create_parameters(_interface_version, license, ignored_thresh, chars_before_wildcard, unlimited_wild_words, indexformat, cache_threshold, options, charset, ntiers, nbuckets) DESCRIPTION This set of extensions provides wrappers for most of the C functionalities in the AltaVista Search software development kit (SDK) except for a few functions that did not make sense to export to perl. Two additional functions are used to ease the process of creating options and parameters: avs_create_options avs_create_parameters The following functions are not implemented due to its complexity or they are unnecessary. <avs_add_ms_callback> UNIMPLEMENTED <avs_addrankterms> UNIMPLEMENTED <avs_count_docs> UNIMPLEMENTED <avs_count_docs_freelist> UNIMPLEMENTED <avs_errmsg_copy> UNIMPLEMENTED <avs_newdoc> UNIMPLEMENTED <avs_search_getdata_copy> UNIMPLEMENTED <avs_search_getdocid_copy> UNIMPLEMENTED <avs_search_getrelevance> RETURN ARGUMENT PREREQUISITES Perl 5.004, AltaVista SearchSDK Library INSTALLATION - Windows System To install this module, copy avs.h and avs30.lib from your AltaVista SearchSDK source hierarchy into this directory. Then type the following commands: perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake test nmake install This will install the module into the Perl library directory. INSTALLATION - UNIX/Linux/Solaris System To install this module, copy avs.h and libavs30.a from your AltaVista SearchSDK source hierarchy into this directory. Then type the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install AUTHOR AltaVista Search <> Copyright (c)2000 AltaVista Company All Rights Reserved. This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by AltaVista Company. SEE ALSO perl, AltaVista Search SDK documentation.