use Text::Table::Org;
     my $rows = [
         # header row
         ['Name', 'Rank', 'Serial'],
         # rows
         ['alice', 'pvt', '123456'],
         ['bob',   'cpl', '98765321'],
         ['carol', 'brig gen', '8745'],
     print Text::Table::Org::table(rows => $rows, header_row => 1);


    This module provides a single function, table, which formats a
    two-dimensional array of data as an Org text table.

    The example shown in the SYNOPSIS generates the following table:

     | Name  | Rank     | Serial   |
     | alice | pvt      | 123456   |
     | bob   | cpl      | 98765321 |
     | carol | brig gen | 8745     |


 table(%params) => str


    The table function understands these arguments, which are passed as a

      * rows (aoaos)

      Takes an array reference which should contain one or more rows of
      data, where each row is an array reference.

      * header_row (bool)

      If given a true value, the first row in the data will be interpreted
      as a header row, and separated from the rest of the table with a
      ruled line.


    This module is currently basically Text::Table::Tiny 0.03 modified to
    output Org tables instead of its original variant table format.

    The output of this module is very similar to that of
    Text::MarkdownTable. In fact, Org recognizes its output as a valid Org
    table (the only difference is that corner marker is | instead of the
    Org standard of +).

    Some other text table modules: Text::ANSITable, Text::ASCIITable,
    Text::FormatTable, Text::Table, Text::TabularDisplay.

    See also Bencher::Scenario::TextTableModules.