NAME Complete::Bash - Completion routines for bash shell VERSION This document describes version 0.335 of Complete::Bash (from Perl distribution Complete-Bash), released on 2020-04-16. DESCRIPTION This module provides routines related to tab completion in bash shell. About programmable completion in bash Bash allows completion to come from various sources. The simplest is from a list of words ("-W"): % complete -W "one two three four" somecmd % somecmd t<Tab> two three Another source is from a bash function ("-F"). The function will receive input in two variables: "COMP_WORDS" (array, command-line chopped into words) and "COMP_CWORD" (integer, index to the array of words indicating the cursor position). It must set an array variable "COMPREPLY" that contains the list of possible completion: % _foo() { local cur COMPREPLY=() cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} COMPREPLY=($( compgen -W '--help --verbose --version' -- $cur ) ) } % complete -F _foo foo % foo <Tab> --help --verbose --version And yet another source is an external command ("-C") including, from a Perl script. The command receives two environment variables: "COMP_LINE" (string, raw command-line) and "COMP_POINT" (integer, cursor location). Program must split "COMP_LINE" into words, find the word to be completed, complete that, and return the list of words one per-line to STDOUT. An example: % cat foo-complete #!/usr/bin/perl use Complete::Bash qw(parse_cmdline format_completion); use Complete::Util qw(complete_array_elem); my ($words, $cword) = @{ parse_cmdline() }; my $res = complete_array_elem(array=>[qw/--help --verbose --version/], word=>$words->[$cword]); print format_completion($res); % complete -C foo-complete foo % foo --v<Tab> --verbose --version About the routines in this module First of all, "parse_cmdline()" is the function to parse raw command-line (such as what you get from bash in "COMP_LINE" environment variable) into words. This makes it easy for the other functions to generate completion answer. See the documentation for that function for more details. "format_completion()" is what you use to format completion answer structure for bash. FUNCTIONS format_completion Usage: format_completion($completion, $opts) -> str|array Format completion for output (for shell). Bash accepts completion reply in the form of one entry per line to STDOUT. Some characters will need to be escaped. This function helps you do the formatting, with some options. This function accepts completion answer structure as described in the "Complete" POD. Aside from "words", this function also recognizes these keys: This function is not exported by default, but exportable. Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments): * $completion* => *hash|array* Completion answer structure. Either an array or hash. See function description for more details. * $opts => *hash* Specify options. Known options: * as Either "string" (the default) or "array" (to return array of lines instead of the lines joined together). Returning array is useful if you are doing completion inside "Term::ReadLine", for example, where the library expects an array. * esc_mode Escaping mode for entries. Either "default" (most nonalphanumeric characters will be escaped), "shellvar" (like "default", but dollar sign "$" will also be escaped, convenient when completing environment variables for example), "filename" (currently equals to "default"), "option" (currently equals to "default"), or "none" (no escaping will be done). * word A workaround. String. For now, see source code for more details. * show_summaries Whether to show item's summaries. Boolean, default is from COMPLETE_BASH_SHOW_SUMMARIES environment variable or 1. An answer item contain summary, which is a short description about the item, e.g.: [{word=>"-a" , summary=>"Show hidden files"}, {word=>"-l" , summary=>"Show details"}, {word=>"--sort", summary=>"Specify sort order"}], When summaries are not shown, user will just be seeing something like: -a -l --sort But when summaries are shown, user will see: -a -- Show hidden files -l -- Show details --sort -- Specify sort order which is quite helpful. * workaround_with_wordbreaks Boolean. Default is true. See source code for more details. Return value: Formatted string (or array, if `as` is set to `array`) (str|array) join_wordbreak_words Usage: join_wordbreak_words() -> [status, msg, payload, meta] Post-process parse_cmdline() result by joining some words. "parse_cmdline()", like bash, splits some characters that are considered as word-breaking characters: "'@><=;|&(: So if command-line is: command --module=Data::Dump then they will be parsed as: ["command", "--module", "=", "Data", "::", "Dump", "bob", '@', ""] Normally in Perl applications, we want ":", "@" to be part of word. So this routine will convert the above into: ["command", "--module=Data::Dump", ''] This function is not exported by default, but exportable. No arguments. Returns an enveloped result (an array). First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (payload) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information. Return value: (any) parse_cmdline Usage: parse_cmdline($cmdline, $point, $opts) -> array Parse shell command-line for processing by completion routines. This function basically converts "COMP_LINE" (str) and "COMP_POINT" (int) into something like (but not exactly the same as) "COMP_WORDS" (array) and "COMP_CWORD" (int) that bash supplies to shell functions. The differences with bash are (these differences are mostly for parsing convenience for programs that use this routine; this comparison is made against bash versions 4.2-4.3): 1) quotes and backslashes are stripped (bash's "COMP_WORDS" contains all the quotes and backslashes); 2) quoted phrase that contains spaces, or phrase that contains escaped spaces is parsed as a single word. For example: command "First argument" Second\ argument bash would split it as (represented as Perl): ["command", "\"First", "argument\"", "Second\\", "argument"] which is not very convenient. We parse it into: ["command", "First argument", "Second argument"] 3) variables are substituted with their values from environment variables except for the current word ("COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]") (bash does not perform variable substitution for "COMP_WORDS"). However, note that special shell variables that are not environment variables like $0, $_, $IFS will not be replaced correctly because bash does not export those variables for us. 4) tildes ("~") are expanded with user's home directory except for the current word (bash does not perform tilde expansion for "COMP_WORDS"); Caveats: * Like bash, we group non-whitespace word-breaking characters into its own word. By default "COMP_WORDBREAKS" is: "'@><=;|&(: So if raw command-line is: command --foo=bar Foo::Bar then the parse result will be: ["command", "--foo", "=", "bar", "http", ":", "//", ":", "80", "Foo", "::", "Bar"] which is annoying sometimes. But we follow bash here so we can more easily accept input from a joined "COMP_WORDS" if we write completion bash functions, e.g. (in the example, "foo" is a Perl script): *foo () { local words=(${COMP*CWORDS[@]}) # add things to words, etc local point=... # calculate the new point COMPREPLY=( "COMP_LINE="foo ${words[@]}" COMP_POINT=$point foo" ) } To avoid these word-breaking characters to be split/grouped, we can escape them with backslash or quote them, e.g.: command "" Foo\:\:Bar which bash will parse as: ["command", "\"\"", "Foo\:\:Bar"] and we parse as: ["command", "", "Foo::Bar"] * Due to the way bash parses the command line (see above), the two below are equivalent: % cmd --foo=bar % cmd --foo = bar Because they both expand to "['--foo', '=', 'bar']". But obviously Getopt::Long does not regard the two as equivalent. This function is not exported by default, but exportable. Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments): * $cmdline => *str* Command-line, defaults to COMP_LINE environment. * $opts => *hash* Options. Optional. Known options: * "truncate_current_word" (bool). If set to 1, will truncate current word to the position of cursor, for example ("^" marks the position of cursor): "--vers^oo" to "--vers" instead of "--versoo". This is more convenient when doing tab completion. * $point => *int* Point/position to complete in command-line, defaults to COMP_POINT. Return value: (array) Return a 2-element array: "[$words, $cword]". $words is array of str, equivalent to "COMP_WORDS" provided by bash to shell functions. $cword is an integer, roughly equivalent to "COMP_CWORD" provided by bash to shell functions. The word to be completed is at "$words->[$cword]". Note that COMP_LINE includes the command name. If you want the command-line arguments only (like in @ARGV), you need to strip the first element from $words and reduce $cword by 1. point Usage: point($cmdline, $marker) -> any Return line with point marked by a marker. This is a utility function useful for testing/debugging. "parse_cmdline()" expects a command-line and a cursor position ($line, $point). This routine expects $line with a marker character (by default it's the caret, "^") and return ($line, $point) to feed to "parse_cmdline()". Example: point("^foo") # => ("foo", 0) point("fo^o") # => ("foo", 2) This function is not exported by default, but exportable. Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments): * $cmdline => *str* Command-line which contains a marker character. * $marker => *str* (default: "^") Marker character. Return value: (any) ENVIRONMENT COMPLETE_BASH_DEFAULT_ESC_MODE Str. To provide default for the "esc_mode" option in "format_completion". COMPLETE_BASH_FZF Bool. Whether to pass large completion answer to fzf instead of directly passing it to bash and letting bash page it with a simpler more-like internal pager. By default, large is defined as having at least 100 items (same bash's "completion-query-items" setting). This can be configured via "COMPLETE_BASH_FZF_ITEMS". COMPLETE_BASH_FZF_ITEMS Uint. Default 100. The minimum number of items to trigger passing completion answer to fzf. See also: "COMPLETE_BASH_FZF". COMPLETE_BASH_MAX_COLUMNS Uint. Bash will show completion entries in one or several columns, depending on the terminal width and the length of the entries (much like a standard non-long `ls`). If you prefer completion entries to be shown in a single column no matter how wide your terminal is, or how short the entries are, you can set the value of this variable to 1. If you prefer a maximum of two columns, set to 2, and so on. "format_completion" will pad the entries with sufficient spaces to limit the number of columns. COMPLETE_BASH_SHOW_SUMMARIES Bool. Will set the default for "show_summaries" option in "format_completion". COMPLETE_BASH_SUMMARY_ALIGN String. Either "left" (the default) or "right". The "left" align looks something like this: --bar Summary about the bar option --baz Summary about the baz option --foo Summary about the foo option --schapen Summary about the schapen option The "right" align will make the completion answer look like what you see in the fish shell: --bar Summary about the bar option --baz Summary about the baz option --foo Summary about the foo option --schapen Summary about the schapen option COMPLETE_BASH_TRACE Bool. If set to true, will produce more log statements to Log::ger. HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at <>. SOURCE Source repository is at <>. BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website <> When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. SEE ALSO Complete, the convention that this module follows. Some higher-level modules that use this module (so you don't have to use this module directly): Getopt::Long::Complete (via Complete::Getopt::Long), Getopt::Long::Subcommand, Perinci::CmdLine (via Perinci::Sub::Complete). Other modules related to bash shell tab completion: Bash::Completion, Getopt::Complete, Term::Bash::Completion::Generator. Programmable Completion section in Bash manual: < ion.html> AUTHOR perlancar <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.