NAME Type::Tiny::Manual - an overview of Type::Tiny SYNOPSIS Type::Tiny is a small class for writing type constraints, inspired by Moose's type constraint API. It has only one non-core dependency (and even that is simply a module that was previously distributed as part of Type::Tiny but has since been spun off), and can be used with Moose, Mouse and Moo (or none of the above). Type::Tiny is bundled with Type::Library a framework for organizing type constraints into collections. Also bundled is Types::Standard, a Moose-inspired library of useful type constraints. Type::Params is also provided, to allow very fast checking and coercion of function and method parameters. SEE ALSO * Libraries - how to build a type library with Type::Tiny, Type::Library and Type::Utils * Coercions - adding coercions to type constraints * Using with Moose - how to use Type::Tiny and Type::Library with Moose * Using with Mouse - how to use Type::Tiny and Type::Library with Mouse * Using with Moo - how to use Type::Tiny and Type::Library with Moo * Using with Other OO Frameworks - how to use Type::Tiny and Type::Library with other OO frameworks * Type::Tiny and friends don't need to be used within an OO framework. See FreeMind::Node for an example that does not. * Processing arguments to subs - coerce and validate arguments to functions and methods. * Other modules using Type::Tiny in interesting ways: Type::Tie, Test::Mocha, Scalar::Does, Set::Equivalence... * Optimization - squeeze the most out of your CPU. * Type::Tiny maintenance policies - the stability policy. DEPENDENCIES Type::Tiny requires at least Perl 5.6.1, though certain Unicode-related features (e.g. non-ASCII type constraint names) may work better in newer versions of Perl. Type::Tiny requires Exporter::Tiny, a module that was previously bundled in this distribution, but has since been spun off as a separate distribution. Don't worry - it's quick and easy to install. At run-time, Type::Tiny also requires the following modules: B, B::Deparse, Carp, Data::Dumper, Scalar::Util, Text::Balanced, overload, strict and warnings. All of these come bundled with Perl itself. Prior to Perl 5.8, Scalar::Util and Text::Balanced do not come bundled with Perl and will need installing separately from the CPAN. Certain features require additional modules. Tying a variable to a type constraint (e.g. `tie my $count, Int`) requires Type::Tie; stack traces on exceptions require Devel::StackTrace. The Reply::Plugin::TypeTiny plugin for Reply requires Reply (obviously). Devel::LexAlias may *slightly* increase the speed of some of Type::Tiny's compiled coderefs. Type::Tiny::XS is not required, but if available provides a speed boost for some type checks. (Setting the environment variable `PERL_TYPE_TINY_XS` to false, or setting `PERL_ONLY` to true will suppress the use of Type::Tiny::XS, even if it is available.) The test suite additionally requires Test::More, Test::Fatal and Test::Requires. Test::More comes bundled with Perl, but if you are using a version of Perl older than 5.14, you will need to upgrade to at least Test::More version 0.96. Test::Requires and Test::Fatal (plus Try::Tiny which Test::Fatal depends on) are bundled with Type::Tiny in the `inc` directory, so you do not need to install them separately. If using Type::Tiny in conjunction with Moo, then at least Moo 1.001000 is recommended. If using Type::Tiny with Moose, then at least Moose 2.0600 is recommended. If using Type::Tiny with Mouse, then at least Mouse 1.00 is recommended. Type::Tiny is mostly untested against older versions of these packages. TYPE::TINY VERSUS X Specio Type::Tiny is similar in aim to Specio. The major differences are * Type::Tiny is "tiny" (Specio will eventually have fewer dependencies than it currently does, but is unlikely to ever have as few as Type::Tiny); * Specio has a somewhat nicer API (better method names; less duplication), and its API is likely to improve further. Type::Tiny's aims at complete compatibility with current versions of Moose and Mouse, so there is a limit to how much I can deviate from the existing APIs of (Moose|Mouse)::Meta::TypeConstraint. MooseX::Types Type::Tiny libraries expose a similar interface to MooseX::Types libraries. In most cases you should be able to rewrite a MooseX::Types library to use Type::Tiny pretty easily. MooX::Types::MooseLike Type::Tiny is faster and supports coercions. Scalar::Does Scalar::Does is somewhat of a precursor to Type::Tiny, but has now been rewritten to use Type::Tiny internally. It gives you a `does($value, $type)` function that is roughly equivalent to `$type->check($value)` except that $type may be one of a list of pre-defined strings (instead of a Type::Tiny type constraint); or may be a package name in which case it will be assumed to be a role and checked with `$value->DOES($type)`. BUGS Please report any bugs to <>. SUPPORT IRC: support is available through in the *#moops* channel on <>. AUTHOR Toby Inkster <>. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.