Scripts Category CPAN : Administrative

tbl2html-v1.0 tbl2html is a tbl to HTML convertor. tbl was a front-end process for troff
that took tables and output troff directives. tbl's input format is very
succinct, as opposed to HTML, so I decided to write a convertor from one to
the other. My convertor ignores everything tbl would have and then changes
the rest to HTML. The HTML tables are got on STDOUT by feeding the code
through STDIN to tbl2html. Special mention must be made of the fa... Prints advanced statistics on disk space usage. Useful for users/administrators not satisfied with traditional UNIX utilities such as du or ls. More info is available by executing -h or -m, displaying a help and a manual page respectively. - to cut a large file into smaller pieces so that they can be copied from one computer to another piece by piece.
Run "%perl -help" to find out command-line options.
To download, visit:
$Date: 2000/04/26 17:20:10 $ by Chang Liu ( | - sync two directories recursively. The goal is to bring two trees exactly the same. However, does not perform any copy operation. It generates a command file instead. The user has the opportunity to exam the command file before real copy operations happen.
Run " -help" to find out command-line options.
To download, visit:
http:/... perltags - makes tags files for perl (ctags for C/C++). A tags file gives
the locations of subs in a group of files. Each line of the tags file
contains the sub name, the file in which it is defined, and a search
pattern for the object definition, separated by white-space.
Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Daniel Bretoi. All rights reserved.
This program is free software, distribute it anyway you like, but you
must keep this copyright ... pod2xml converts embedded perl dokumentation,
known as pod, to a valid xml-stream.
the inputfile can be any ascii formatted file
with pdo-tags included.
this is a very early beta-version, so use it
pipipi WHAT IS PiPiPi (pronounced peepeepee in Italian)?
PiPiPi (Perl Pre Processor) is a small script that gives you some of the
functionalities of his big brother cpp, the C pre processor.
I wrote it because I often need to create a set of scripts that shares a
common header and a common footer. When I change the header or
the footer, I don't want to change all the scripts already written.
This is my solutions. Someone probably will...
pipipi-0.02 PiPiPi (Perl Pre Processor) is a small script that gives you some of the
functionalities of its big brother cpp, the C pre processor.
It's useful if you have to create a set of scripts that shares a
common header and a common footer. When you change the header or
the footer, you don't want to change all the scripts that you
have already written. PiPiPi recursively parses all include files
building the target script for you.
PiPi... Print file in hex format:
00000: 66 00 a9 0d 56 00 01 00 ff 35 f...V ....5
00010: ff ff ff 20 02 05 00 06 06 06 ..... .....
00020: 00 12 11 09 61 13 ff ff ff ff ....a .....
00030: 48 00 01 00 00 00 11 11 09 61 H.... ....a Print file in hex format:
00000: 66 00 a9 0d 56 00 01 00 ff 35 f...V ....5
00010: ff ff ff 20 02 05 00 06 06 06 ..... .....
00020: 00 12 11 09 61 13 ff ff ff ff ....a .....
00030: 48 00 01 00 00 00 11 11 09 61 H.... ....a This program updates the copyright year information for given files. The
year is current year unless passed with --year YEAR option.
perl -S --verbose 1 --test [--year 2002] *
To change all files recursively form current directory, whose author is
"Mr. Foo" use command below. The --regexp option requires that
file contains that line.
perl -S --recursive --Regexp "Author:.*Mr. Fo... CVS is a concurrent version control system and available for multiple
platforms at C<>. This program will help changing the
content of client files Root, Repository, Entries and Tag. From
time to time there is a need to change the repository locations and this
needs immediate changin in following files:
CVS/Root /cygdrive/g/data/version-control/cvsroot
CVS/Repository emacs/gnu-ema... CVS is a concurrent version control system and available for multiple
platforms at C<>. This program will help changing the
content of client files Root, Repository, Entries and Tag. From
time to time there is a need to change the repository locations and this
needs immediate changin in following files:
CVS/Root /cygdrive/g/data/version-control/cvsroot
CVS/Repository emacs/gnu-ema... This is a Perl client for updating a dynamic DNS IP information at or Visit the page and
create an account as instructed and remember the login, password and host
name you regeistered. For developing your own client with alternative
language, refer to page:
The Dynamic DNS service allows you to alias a dynamic IP address to a
sta... This is a Perl client for updating a dynamic DNS IP information at or Visit the page and
create an account as instructed and remember the login, password and host
name you regeistered. For developing your own client with alternative
language, refer to page:
The Dynamic DNS service allows you to alias a dynamic IP address to a
sta... This is a Perl client for updating a dynamic DNS IP information at or Visit the page and
create an account as instructed and remember the login, password and host
name you regeistered.
The Dynamic DNS service allows you to alias a dynamic IP address to a
static hostname, allowing your computer to be more easily accessed from
various locations on the Internet. We provide this servic... This is a Perl client for updating a dynamic DNS IP information at or Visit the page and
create an account as instructed and remember the login, password and host
name you regeistered.
The Dynamic DNS service allows you to alias a dynamic IP address to a
static hostname, allowing your computer to be more easily accessed from
various locations on the Internet. provides th... This program makes a binary file out of HEX input data. The default
input format is:
XXXX: 00 00 01 01 01 # This is comment
XXXX: 00 00 00 00 00 Deletes eveythinbg after 3 spaces
Ie. There must be line numbers at the beginning of hex lines.
The line numbers are stripped and the hex numbers are read to
form the file. Input can also be in this format
00/07/39/17/00/... This program makes a binary file out of HEX input data. The default
input format is:
XXXX: 00 00 01 01 01 # This is comment
XXXX: 00 00 00 00 00 Deletes eveythinbg after 3 spaces
I.e. there must be line numbers at the beginning of hex lines.
The line numbers are stripped and the hex numbers are read to
form the file. Input can also be in this format
00/07/39/17/00... This program assembles MIME partial mail messages back. All
of the bodies for the same part id are saved to one file. If you
only want to save the base64 lines from the bodies, then use --base64
The format of the file must be following: The beginning of header is
indicated with the field "From", which must match "@" and year
"[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]". This loosely matches typical Berkley mailbox format
which starts with ... Automate Periodic downloads or released files and packages.
This small utility makes it possible to keep a list of URLs in a
configuration file and periodically retrieve those pages or files with
simple command. This utility is best suited for small batch jobs to
download eg. most recent versions of the software files. If you pass an URL
that is already on disk, be sure to supply option --overwrite to allow
overwriting old files... Automate Periodic downloads or released files and packages.
This small utility makes it possible to keep a list of URLs in a
configuration file and periodically retrieve those pages or files with
simple command. This utility is best suited for small batch jobs to
download eg. most recent versions of the software files. If you pass an URL
that is already on disk, be sure to supply option --overwrite to allow
overwriting old files... Automate Periodic downloads or released files and packages.
This small utility makes it possible to keep a list of URLs in a
configuration file and periodically retrieve those pages or files with
simple command. This utility is best suited for small batch jobs to
download eg. most recent versions of the software files. If you pass an URL
that is already on disk, be sure to supply option --overwrite to allow
overwriting old files... Automate periodic downloads of released files and packages.
This small utility makes it possible to keep a list of URLs in a
configuration file and periodically retrieve those pages or files with
simple commands. This utility is best suited for small batch jobs to
download e.g. most recent versions of software files. If you use an URL
that is already on disk, be sure to supply option --overwrite to allow
overwriting existing fil... Automate periodic downloads of released files and packages.
This small utility makes it possible to keep a list of URLs in a
configuration file and periodically retrieve those pages or files with
simple commands. This utility is best suited for small batch jobs to
download e.g. most recent versions of software files. If you use an URL
that is already on disk, be sure to supply option --overwrite to allow
overwriting existing fil... Automate periodic downloads of released files and packages. Automate periodic downloads of released files and packages. Automate periodic downloads of released files and packages. This program converts pure text files into nice looking, possibly
framed HTML pages.
Requirements for the input ascii files
The file must be written in Technical format, whose layout is
described when you run the program with --help. Basicly, you have
two heading levels, at column 0 and at column 4, the standard text
starts at column 8 (at regular tab position).
The Technical format's idea is that each column represents dif... This program converts pure text files into nice looking, possibly
framed HTML pages.
Requirements for the input ascii files
The file must be written in Technical format, whose layout is
described when you run the program with --help. Basicly, you have
two heading levels, at column 0 and at column 4, the standard text
starts at column 8 (at regular tab position).
The idea of technical format is that each column represents di... This program converts pure text files into nice looking, possibly
framed HTML pages.
Requirements for the input ascii files
The file must be written in Technical format, whose layout is
described when you run the program with --help. Basicly, you have
two heading levels, at column 0 and at column 4, the standard text
starts at column 8 (at regular tab position).
The idea of technical format is that each column represents di... This program converts pure text files into nice looking, possibly
framed HTML pages.
Requirements for the input ascii files
The file must be written in Technical format, whose layout is
described when you run the program with --help. Basicly, you have
two heading levels, at column 0 and at column 4, the standard text
starts at column 8 (at regular tab position).
The idea of technical format is that each column represents di... Paragraph Adjuster with Hyphenation (PAwH) is a small Perl script that
reformats lines of ASCII text so that the resulting lines are justified
in any of the following formats: left-justified (default),
right-justified, centered, or both left- and right-justified. PAwH has
various switches, most are optional, to control its output. The only
mandatory switch is the line width (--width). For PAwH to work properly,
input paragra... Paragraph Adjuster with Hyphenation (PAwH) is a small Perl script that
reformats lines of ASCII text so that the resulting lines are justified
in any of the following formats: left-justified, right-justified,
centered, or both left- and right-justified (default). PAwH has
various switches, most are optional, to control its output. The only
mandatory switch is the line width. For PAwH to work properly, input
paragraphs must be... desift is a data-driven, temlate-oriented text filter. It occupies a
niche somewhere between spartan shell utilities such as 'cut' and
full-featured template engines.
psbind-20030617 C<psbind> examines the margins in a PostScript document and rearranges the pages
to fit them onto paper efficiently.
psbind-20090315 C<psbind> examines the margins in a PostScript document and rearranges the pages
to fit them onto paper efficiently.
Sample-0.1 If there is any text in this section, it will be extracted into
a separate README file.
p2h-0.2 p2h
v 0.02
p2h >yourhtml.html
Consider this version alpha. It will convert code without
errors. It will not output errors other than those not
caught, which is all :)
It will not take command line arguments including --help.
The next revision will take command line arguments to show
Add generic color themes, similar to vim. The ones I plan
on implementing are common ones like
... - sync two directories recursively. The goal is to bring two trees exactly the same.
However, does not perform any copy operation by default (it generates a command file instead).
The user has the opportunity to exam the command file before real copy operations happen.
Run " -help" to find out command-line options.
Please check out my blog at if you like this script.
pdfxtract-0.2 A utility to crop (extract) one or more pages from a PDF file and dump to separate file or files.
cvs_init n/a  

Kurt Starsinic
Last modified: Mon Aug 24 12:47:06 2020