Scripts Category Educational : ComputerScience

ScriptnameREADME This script implements the 'logo' turtle graphics language using
the Tk toolkit. It incorporates a user function editor.
OAMulator_1.0.cgi A Web based compiler/assembler/emulator for instructional support.
Complete documentation at C<>.
primes Fast Prime Sieve
bounded only by memory with Math::BigInt::Lite
 · never test product of first n primes
 · quick test products in p**2 .. p**3
 · modulus by addition up to 3rd root
graphPlotter-1.04.ptk.pTk Following script is a graph plotter for the polynomials of the form y = F(x).
Trigonometric functions are also supported. This script can find its application
in solving complex polynomial equations using graphs. Extracts code snippets from source code for presenting code in parts,
e.g., when printing code snippets with LaTeX.
See POD ( --help) for details.
This an alpha version -- use on your own risk! This is a simple script to figure out the actual lines of code in a C,C++,perl,shell,html,VHDL,Verilog,Java or Python file Generate your -MBenchmark code quickly.
That's generator -- it doesn't benchmark itself. This program encrypts/decrypts files (with compression)
using keyset files which provide a very large number of one-time use keys.
The F<> program file consists of three files concatenated together.
The files will be automatically extracted the first time the program is run.
The two additional files are: This program encrypts/decrypts files (with compression)
using keyset files which provide a very large number of one-time use keys.
The F<> program file consists of three files concatenated together.
The files will be automatically extracted the first time the program is run.
The two additional files are:

Kurt Starsinic
Last modified: Mon Aug 24 12:47:06 2020