activate = "Activate" allRightsReserved = "All Rights Reserved." applyChangesCancel = "Cancel" applyChangesCloseHint = "Close dialog" applyChangesNo = "No" applyChangesQuestion = "Apply changes?" applyChangesTitle = "Apply Changes" applyChangesYes = "Yes" cancel = "Cancel" contentModified = "Modified" copyright = "© Copyright 1999-2011 Parallels." creationDate = "Creation date" deactivate = "Deactivate" delete = "Delete" description = "Description" email = "E-mail" error = "Error" homePageTitle = "Home" info = "Information" language = "Interface language" levelUp = "Up Level" levelUpContextHelp = "Go to the upper level page." loaderMsg1 = "Loading..." loaderMsg2 = "Please wait." loaderMsgLibraries = "Step 1 of 3: Loading libraries..." name = "Name" noRecordsFound = "Search results: no records found." ok = "OK" owner = "Owner" poweredBy = "Powered by" refresh = "Refresh" requiredFields = "Required fields" returnToHomePage = "Return to the Start page to create a new site" send = "Send" site = "Site" siteDoesNotExist = "Site %s does not exist. Return to the Start page to create a new site." tools = "Tools" warning = "Warning" emailSendingConfigProblem = "Unable to send the e-mail due to a mail server configuration problem. Please contact your Web Presence Builder administrator." contactAdministrator = "Please contact the server administrator." slugStopWords = "a and the an it is with can of why not" passwordProtectAccessDenied = "Access denied" passwordProtectNotWorkingInPanelPreview = "Protected access to website pages does not work in Parallels Panel website preview mode." login = "Log In" fileIsNotImage = "The file '%s' is not a valid image file." fbOpenSiteActionName = "Open %s"