deleteSlotTitle = "Do you want to remove the slot?"
gettingSiteSnapshotList = "Retrieving a list of site snapshots..."
createSiteSnapshot = "Save"
createSiteSnapshotDescription = "Save the current version of the site."
createSiteSnapshotDisabled = "You cannot save website snapshots in the trial or demo mode."
restoreSiteSnapshot = "Restore"
restoreSiteSnapshotDescription = "Restore a site from a snapshot."
restoreSiteSnapshotDisabled = "You cannot restore sites from snapshots in the trial or demo mode."
restoringSiteFromSnapshot = "Restoring the site..."
creatingSiteSnapshot = "Saving the current state of the site..."
siteSnapshotCreated = "The site was saved."
deleteSnapshotTitle = "Confirm Removal"
deleteSnapshotTooltip = "Remove this snapshot."
deleteSnapshotMessage = "Do you want to remove this snapshot?"
siteSnapshotApplied = "The site was restored from the snapshot."
invalidSnapshot = "Invalid snapshot."
snapshotTitle = "Snapshot name"
snapshotDate = "Date and time"
emptySlot = "[Empty slot]"
userSnapshotName = "User-saved snapshot"
quickSnapshotName = "Auto-saved snapshot"
quickSnapshotEmptyName = "Empty slot"
overwriteSnapshotTitle = "Do you want to overwrite the existing snapshot?"
loadSnapshotTitle = "Do you want to restore the site from this snapshot? Your current website version will be lost."
unableCreateSnapshot = "Unable to create a snapshot."
unableRemoveSnapshot = "Unable to remove the snapshot."
unableUploadSnapshot = "Unable to upload the snapshot."
deletingSiteSnapshot = "Removing the snapshot..."
siteSnapshotDeleted = "The site snapshot was removed."
firebugWarning = "It is recommended to disable Firebug because it is known to impair Web Presence Builder performance."
ieResizedWarning = "You are currently using browser zoom. Please note that Web Presence Builder websites will perform and look best at normal zoom (100%)."
updateYouIE7toNewVersion = "You are using Internet Explorer 7 as your web browser. This browser is outdated and degrades your user experience when working with Web Presence Builder. We strongly recommend you to update your browser to the latest version or use another browser supported by Web Presence Builder. You can update your browser here."
textWidgetTitle = "Text &
textWidgetDescription = "Drag this module to any place on the page to add a simple text, images, and links."
headerWidgetTitle = "Header"
headerWidgetDescription = "Drag this module to any place on the page to add a header."
headerWidgetDescriptionDisabled = "You already have a header image on your website."
sharedTextWidgetTitle = "Sitewide
Text & Images"
sharedTextWidgetDescription = "Drag this module to any place on the page to add sitewide text, images, and links. It will be applied to all website pages."
navigationWidgetTitle = "Navigation"
navigationWidgetDescription = "Drag this module to any place on the page where you want to locate a navigation block. It will be applied to all website pages."
navigationWidgetActiveText = "There are no subpages for the current menu item to show in the navigation block."
sharethisWidgetTitle = "Social
sharethisWidgetDescription = "Drag this module to any place on the page to share your content and increase your social traffic."
imagegalleryWidgetTitle = "Image
imagegalleryWidgetDescription = "Drag this module to any place on the page to add an image gallery and populate it with images."
scriptWidgetTitle = "Script"
scriptWidgetDescription = "Drag this module to any place on the page to add a script."
scriptWidgetActiveText = "Your code will be active on the published website."
scriptWidgetInactiveText = "Script block is inactive. It will not be shown to website visitors until activation. To activate script block, insert your code in the module."
scriptWidgetCodeLabel = "Insert your JavaScript or PHP code here."
learnMore = "Learn more."
advertisementWidgetTitle = "Advertisement"
advertisementWidgetDescription = "Drag this module to any place on the page to add an advertisement block to your website. It will be applied to all website pages."
advertisementWidgetActiveText = "Advertisement block has been activated. Advertisements will appear on your website after publishing."
advertisementWidgetInactiveText = "Advertising block is inactive. It will not be shown to website visitors until activation. To activate advertising block, insert the code provided by your advertising vendor."
advertisementWidgetCodeLabel = "Insert JavaScript code provided by your advertising vendor here."
contactWidgetTitle = "Contact
contactWidgetDescription = "Drag this module to any place on the page to add a form where your visitors can leave comments, feedback, or requests via e-mail."
contactWidgetInactiveText = "Contact form module is inactive. It will not be shown to website visitors until activation. To activate contact form, fill in the Recipients field."
searchWidgetTitle = "Search"
searchWidgetDescription = "Drag this module to any place on the page to add an ability for your website visitors to search information on your website. It will be applied to all website pages."
searchWidgetActiveText = "The search bar will appear on your site after publishing."
searchWidgetInactiveText = "Website search is inactive. It will not be available to website visitors until activation. To activate search, insert the code provided by your search engine or select Google as your search engine provider."
searchWidgetCodeLabel = "Insert JavaScript code provided by your search engine here."
searchWidgetSelectOptionGoogle = "Google"
searchWidgetSelectOptionOther = "Other"
searchWidgetInsertType = "Provider"
breadcrumbsWidgetTitle = "Breadcrumbs"
breadcrumbsWidgetDescription = "Drag this module to any place on the page to add breadcrumb navigation. It will be applied to all website pages."
breadcrumbsWidgetStartPageTitle = "Start page title"
breadcrumbsWidgetSeparator = "Separator"
breadcrumbsWidgetAddHomeIcon = "Add start page icon"
videoWidgetTitle = "Embedded
videoWidgetDescription = "Drag this module to any place on the page to add an embedded video block."
videoWidgetInactiveText = "To enable publishing this module on your website, provide your embedded video link or code."
videoWidgetCodeLabel = "Link to your video or embedded code. "
videoWidgetSelectOptionUrl = "Link to video"
videoWidgetSelectOptionCustom = "Embed code"
videoWidgetUrlDescription = "Add a link to your video, for example {0}
You can get one by uploading your video to any of these sites."
videoWidgetCustomDescription = "Add your custom code to embed your video here."
videoWidgetNeedFlashText = "You need to install Adobe Flash Player to watch embedded video."
widgetNavigationLevelsTabTitle = "Levels"
widgetNavigationMenuItemsTabTitle = "Menu Items"
widgetNavigationIconsTabTitle = "Icons"
widgetNavigationFillTabTitle = "Fill"
widgetNavigationLevelMessage11 = "Display only first-level pages."
widgetNavigationLevelMessage21 = "Display only second-level pages. If current first-level page has no second-level pages, nothing is shown."
widgetNavigationLevelMessage12 = "Display first-level pages and show drop-down menus for second-level pages."
widgetNavigationLevelMessage31 = "Display only third-level pages."
widgetNavigationLevelMessage22 = "Display second-level pages and show drop-down menus for third-level pages. If a first-level page has no second-level pages, nothing is shown."
widgetNavigationLevelMessage13 = "Display all levels and show drop-down menus for child level."
widgetNavigationLinkState = "Link state"
widgetNavigationLinkStateNormal = "Normal"
widgetNavigationLinkStateSelected = "Selected"
widgetNavigationLinkStateHovered = "Hovered"
widgetNavigationMenuAlignment = "Menu alignment"
showMenuLevels = "Show menu levels"
firstLevel = "First level"
secondLevel = "Second level"
firstAndSecondLevel = "First and second level"
thirdLevel = "Third level"
secondAndThirdLevels = "Second and third level"
allLevels = "All levels"
widgetsTitle = "Modules"
widgetsDescription = "Drag and drop modules from the panel to your page to fill the page with content."
widgetsDescriptionOnHover = "Drag and drop modules from the panel to your page to fill the page with content."
layoutTitle = "Layout"
layoutDescription = "Select the number of sidebars on the page and page width."
layoutDescriptionOnHover = "Select the number of sidebars on the page and page width."
styleTitle = "Style"
styleDescription = "Modify your website color scheme and fonts."
styleDescriptionOnHover = "Modify your website color scheme and fonts."
pagesTitle = "Pages"
pagesDescription = "Add or remove website pages, or change their hierarchy."
pagesDescriptionOnHover = "Add or remove website pages, or change their hierarchy."
settingsTitle = "Settings"
settingsDescription = "Modify your website settings."
settingsDescriptionOnHover = "Modify your website settings."
borderContainersWithinSite = "Internal containers border"
black = "Black"
white = "White"
StyleBorderDisplayBorderHere = "Display border here"
layoutBorderHeader = "Header"
layoutBorderFooter = "Footer"
layoutBorderSidebarLeft = "Left sidebar"
layoutBorderColumn2Content = "Content"
layoutBorderSidebarRight = "Right sidebar"
borderAroundSite = "External site border"
invertBorderColors = "Invert color"
styleBordersTab = "Borders"
styleBorderTabDescription = "Select external and internal borders for your website."
showHeaders = "Headers"
allHeaders = "All"
recommendedHeaders = "Recommended"
help = "Help"
more = "More"
helpDescription = "View detailed instructions on Parallels website."
openUserGuide = "Open User's Guide"
startOver = "Start Over"
startOverDescription = "Discard all changes and start creating your website again."
removeSite = "Remove Site"
removeSiteDescription = "Remove this website."
publish = "Publish"
publishDescription = "Review and publish your website."
gettingStarted = "Watch the Getting Started Video"
gettingStartedDescription = "Launch the Getting Started tutorial."
siteUrl = "Site URL"
helperDefaultMessage = "Web Presence Builder helps you edit, customize and publish your site."
ok = "OK"
apply = "Apply"
cancelButtonTitle = "Cancel"
yesButtonTitle = "Yes"
noButtonTitle = "No"
browseButtonText = "Browse"
Add = "Add"
Remove = "Remove"
colors = "Colors"
fonts = "Fonts"
hidePanel = "Minimize"
hidePanelDescription = "Minimize the panel."
showPanel = "Expand"
hideLayoutColors = "Hide layout colors"
showLayoutColors = "Show layout colors"
textColorLabel = "Body text"
linkColorLabel = "Links"
h1ColorLabel = "Heading 1"
h2ColorLabel = "Heading 2"
colorsFormat = "Colors must be in hex format #FFFFFF or #FFF."
noColor = "No color"
autoColor = "Defined by color scheme"
transparentColor = "None"
transparentColorDescription = "None (Transparent)"
siteTitle = "Site background"
watermarkTitle = "Watermark"
headerTitle = "Header"
footerTitle = "Footer"
contentTitle = "Content"
column1Title = "Left sidebar"
column2Title = "Right sidebar"
Stylesetcustom = "Custom Styleset"
Styleset1 = "Styleset 1"
Styleset2 = "Styleset 2"
Styleset3 = "Styleset 3"
Styleset4 = "Styleset 4"
Styleset5 = "Styleset 5"
Styleset6 = "Styleset 6"
Styleset7 = "Styleset 7"
Styleset8 = "Styleset 8"
Styleset9 = "Styleset 9"
Styleset10 = "Styleset 10"
Styleset11 = "Styleset 11"
Styleset12 = "Styleset 12"
Styleset13 = "Styleset 13"
Styleset14 = "Styleset 14"
Styleset15 = "Styleset 15"
Styleset16 = "Styleset 16"
Styleset17 = "Styleset 17"
Styleset18 = "Styleset 18"
Styleset19 = "Styleset 19"
Styleset20 = "Styleset 20"
Styleset21 = "Styleset 21"
Styleset22 = "Styleset 22"
Styleset23 = "Styleset 23"
Styleset24 = "Styleset 24"
Styleset25 = "Styleset 25"
Styleset26 = "Styleset 26"
Styleset27 = "Styleset 27"
Styleset28 = "Styleset 28"
Styleset29 = "Styleset 29"
Styleset30 = "Styleset 30"
Styleset31 = "Styleset 31"
Styleset32 = "Styleset 32"
Styleset33 = "Styleset 33"
Styleset34 = "Styleset 34"
Styleset35 = "Styleset 35"
Styleset36 = "Styleset 36"
Styleset37 = "Styleset 37"
Styleset38 = "Styleset 38"
Styleset39 = "Styleset 39"
Styleset40 = "Styleset 40"
Styleset41 = "Styleset 41"
Styleset42 = "Styleset 42"
Styleset43 = "Styleset 43"
Styleset44 = "Styleset 44"
Styleset45 = "Styleset 45"
Styleset46 = "Styleset 46"
Styleset47 = "Styleset 47"
Styleset48 = "Styleset 48"
Styleset49 = "Styleset 49"
Styleset50 = "Styleset 50"
Styleset51 = "Styleset 51"
Styleset52 = "Styleset 52"
Styleset53 = "Styleset 53"
Styleset54 = "Styleset 54"
Styleset55 = "Styleset 55"
Styleset56 = "Styleset 56"
Styleset57 = "Styleset 57"
Styleset58 = "Styleset 58"
Styleset59 = "Styleset 59"
Styleset60 = "Styleset 60"
confirmRemoval = "Confirm removal"
confirmRemovalComponent = "This component and all its contents will be removed.
confirmRemovalWidget = "This module and all its contents will be removed.
confirmDialogCloseTitle = "Apply"
confirmDialogCloseMessage = "Do you want to apply changes?"
colorLockTooltip = "Click the lock to detach this color from the base color and modify it separately.
Click again, to make this color dependent on the base color."
editWidgetTitle = "Edit"
moveWidgetTitle = "Move"
removeWidgetTitle = "Remove"
hideWidgetTitle = "Hide"
applyChangesTitle = "OK"
reverseChangesTitle = "Cancel"
siteSuccessfullyPublished = "The site has been successfully published to:"
sitePublishedWithErrors = "The site has been published with errors."
sitePublishedWithWarnings = "The site has been successfully published to {0}. However, a few errors were encountered."
publishingSite = "Please wait while your site is being published... {0}"
publishSeeDetails = "Click to see details."
publishDetailsTitle = "Publishing Details"
sendToAdmin = "Notify Hoster"
emailSentToAdmin = "An e-mail was successfully sent to server administrator."
emailNotSentToAdmin = "Web Presence Builder could not notify your service provider about this failure by e-mail. Contact your service provider for further assistance."
loaderMsgSiteStructure = "Step 2 of 3: Loading website structure..."
loaderMsgInitialize = "Step 3 of 3: Initializing Editor..."
loaderMsgStartingOver = "Starting over..."
titleConfirmStartingOver = "Confirm Starting Over"
msgConfirmStartingOver = "If you choose to start over, your current website visual design and content will be deleted.
Are you sure you want to start over?"
loaderMsgRemovingSite = "Removing website..."
titleConfirmRemovingSite = "Confirm Removing Website"
msgConfirmRemovingSite = "If you choose to remove this website, you will not be able to restore your current website visual design and content later.
Are you sure your want to remove this website?"
addPage = "Add page"
addPageTooltip = "Add a new page."
openPage = "Open page"
openPageTooltip = "Open the selected page for preview and editing."
deletePage = "Delete page"
cannotRemoveAllPages = "You can not delete all pages. Your website must have at least 1 page."
deletePageTooltip = "Delete the selected page."
movePageTooltip = "Use arrows to change the position of the selected page in your site structure."
pageTitle = "Page name in navigation"
pageBrowserTitle = "Page name in browser title"
pageSlug = "Page link name"
pageSlugReserved = "This page link name is reserved and cannot be used."
pageSlugDuplicate = "Page link name must be unique within each site folder."
pageDescriptionAndKeywords = "Page description and keywords"
pageEditDescriptionAndKeywords = "Edit page description and keywords"
pageDescription = "Description"
pageKeywords = "Keywords"
pageHidden = "Hidden page"
hiddenPageTooltip = "Hide this page from navigation, so that your visitors cannot access it."
allPagesHidden = "All site pages are hidden now. Make at least one page visible for your visitors."
messageTextSaved = "Your changes were saved."
messageDesignLayoutSettingsSaved = "Your changes were saved."
messageDesignStyleSettingsSaved = "Your changes were saved."
messageSitemapChangesSaved = "Your changes were saved."
messageChangesSaved = "Your changes were saved."
helpPopupBlocked = "Help window was blocked by your browser. To view the Help, allow pop-up windows for this domain."
messageFunctionalityIsNotAvailable = "This functionality is not available in Web Presence Builder Marketing Preview."
fillRequiredFields = "Please make sure all fields are filled correctly."
minColumnWidth = "Sidebar width must be more than 100 px."
minColumnHeight = "Minimal height must be at least 100 px."
applyChangesDialogTitle = "Settings were not saved."
applyChangesDialogMessage = "Apply changes?"
layoutTab = "Layout"
bordersTab = "Borders"
linesTab = "Lines"
styleSchemeTab = "Scheme"
styleSchemeTabDescription = "Select base color set for your site. Choose colors with the color picker or provide their hex values. Changes previously made on the Colors tab will be overridden."
styleSchemeTabLongDescription = "General color scheme of your website is comprised from these four colors. Each color is used for several website elements at once. You can adjust colors of individual elements on the Colors tab."
styleColorsTab = "Colors"
styleColorsTabDescription = "Select background and font colors for specific elements of your site. Choose colors with the color picker or provide their hex values. Modifying the styleset on the Scheme tab will override changes made here."
styleColorsAutoLabel = "Auto"
styleColorsAutoHelper = "If you select auto, a color will be automatically selected from the color scheme. Otherwise a custom value will be used."
styleFontsTab = "Fonts"
styleFontsTabDescription = "Modify fonts for texts on your website pages."
color = "Scheme color"
colorCanEditHEXManually = "To change color hex value, click here and enter a new value."
invertLineColors = "Invert line color"
filterByDirection = "Filter by direction"
fontSize = "Size"
fontFamily = "Font-family"
characterSettings = "Character settings"
fontColor = "Font color"
preview = "Preview"
backgroundColor = "Color"
backgroundSolidColor = "Solid Color"
backgroundGradient = "Gradient"
backgroundImage = "Image"
tileImage = "Tile Image"
fontColors = "Font colors"
background = "Background"
topLeft = "Top left"
topCenter = "Top center"
topRight = "Top right"
centerLeft = "Center left"
centerCenter = "Center"
centerRight = "Center right"
bottomLeft = "Bottom left"
bottomCenter = "Bottom center"
bottomRight = "Bottom right"
layoutType = "Layout type"
elastic = "Liquid"
fixed = "Fixed"
layoutWidth = "Website width"
lockWidth = "Lock width"
margins = "Margins"
horizontal = "Horizontal"
vertical = "Vertical"
px = "px"
layoutColumnTitle = "Size"
switchColumns = "Switch sidebars"
left = "Left"
right = "Right"
1Column = "No sidebars"
2Column = "1 sidebar"
3Column = "2 sidebars"
layoutColumnMinHeight = "Minimal height"
layoutColumnWidth = "Sidebar width"
layoutColumnWidthMoreThan = "Sidebar width must be more than {0} px."
layoutColumnHeightMoreThan = "Minimal height must be at least {0} px."
switchSidebar = "Switch sidebars"
switchFrom3To2Columns = "You are switching to 1 sidebar layout, but you have content in both sidebars. Which sidebar do you want to use?"
sidebar2Sidebar1Hidden = "I want to use sidebar 2."
sidebar1Sidebar2Hidden = "I want to use sidebar 1."
rootPageTitle = "Start"
newTextPage = "New page"
messagePageTitle = "Navigation title will be displayed in navigation and other parts of your website."
messagePageBrowserTitle = "Browser title will be displayed in the browser screen title. Customizing this title is useful for search engine optimization."
widgetHeaderImageSelectionTitle = "Selection from"
widgetHeaderImageSelectionNoTitle = "no image"
widgetHeaderImageSelectionLibraryTitle = "our library"
widgetHeaderImageSelectionFileTitle = "own file"
widgetHeaderImageListTitle = "Image list"
widgetHeaderImageListNoMatch = "Sorry, there is no match. Try again!"
widgetHeaderImageListEmptySearch = "Type keywords or color and sort images."
widgetHeaderImageFitSizeTitle = "Fit image size"
widgetHeaderImageFitSizeTooltip = "Resize image to fit the website width."
widgetHeaderImageSizeHint = "Image size (px): {0}x{1}"
widgetHeaderImageHeightTitle = "Height"
widgetHeaderUploadLabel = "Upload (recommended width {0}px)"
uploadButton = "Browse..."
uploadImageEmptyText = "Browse and upload an image."
widgetHeaderPositionTabTitle = "Position"
widgetHeaderUploadErrorCannotLoadImageToCreateThumbnail = "Cannot find image to create thumbnail."
widgetHeaderUploadErrorImageFitFailed = "Cannot create thumbnail."
widgetHeaderUploadErrorThumbnailImageSaveFailed = "Cannot create thumbnail."
widgetHeaderPositionSet = "Set logo position"
widgetHeaderPositionHorizontal = "Horizontal"
widgetHeaderPositionVertical = "Vertical"
widgetHeaderShowElements = "Show Header Elements"
widgetHeaderShowLogo = "Logo Image"
widgetHeaderShowTitle = "Title"
widgetHeaderShowSubtitle = "Subtitle"
widgetHeaderDialogTitleDeleteImage = "Remove header image"
widgetHeaderDialogMsgConfirmDeleteImage = "Are you sure you want to remove header image?"
widgetHeaderImageWasDeleted = "Header image was removed."
widgetHeaderImageDeleteFailed = "Header {headerName} was not removed."
uploadingImage = "Uploading images"
uploadingSnapshot = "Uploading snapshot"
colorDecorationPanelColor = "Color"
colorDecorationPanelBackgroundArea = "Background Area"
colorDecorationPanelDecoration = "Decoration"
linkEditDialogTitle = "Insert/edit link"
linkEditDialogLinkField = "Link to"
linkEditDialogPageField = "A page of this site"
linkEditDialogPageFieldEmptyText = "Select page"
linkEditDialogHrefField = "An Internet address of a web resource on this or another site"
linkEditDialogHrefHint = "Use or for links to external sites."
linkEditDialogTargetField = "Open link in"
linkEditDialogTargetSelf = "This window"
linkEditDialogTargetBlank = "New window"
linkEditDialogTitleField = "Title"
linkEditDialogTitleHint = "The tooltip text shown when the mouse pointer is placed over the link."
anchorEditDialogTitle = "Anchor properties"
anchorEditDialogTitleField = "Anchor name"
anchorEditWarning = "Warning: Renaming an anchor will break all references to it from other site pages."
imageEditDialogEdit = "Edit image"
imageEditDialogPreview = "Preview"
imageEditDialogSizeInPixels = "Image size (px)"
imageEditDialogChange = "Change image"
imageEditDialogChangeWarningInvalidType = "You can upload image files only in GIF, JPEG, and PNG formats."
imageEditDialogTextWrapping = "Text wrapping"
imageEditDialogAlternativeTextLabel = "Alternative text for image"
imageEditDialogAlternativeTextDescription = "Alternative text is a short image description and can be used in situations where the image is not available to the reader."
imageUploadErrorExtensionInvalid = "Error uploading file: unsupported file extension."
imageUploadErrorDestinationNotDir = "Error uploading file: destination path is not valid."
imageUploadErrorDestinationNotWritable = "Error uploading file: destination path is not writable."
imageUploadErrorDestinationEmpty = "Error uploading file: destination path is not specified."
imageUploadErrorFilenameEmpty = "Error uploading file: file name is absent."
imageUploadErrorUploadUnknown = "Error uploading file: unknown error."
imageUploadErrorUploadIniSize = "Error uploading file: file size is too big."
imageUploadErrorUploadFormSize = "Error uploading file: file size is too big"
imageUploadErrorUploadPartial = "Error uploading file: file was not uploaded completely."
imageUploadErrorUploadNoFile = "Error uploading file: no file found."
imageUploadErrorUploadNoTmpDir = "Error uploading file: temporary directory is not available."
imageUploadErrorUploadCantWrite = "Error uploading file: write operation failed."
imageUploadErrorTypeInvalid = "You can upload image files only in GIF, JPEG, and PNG formats."
imageUploadErrorDimensionTooBig = "Error uploading file: image dimension is too big."
imageUploadErrorDimensionTooSmall = "Error uploading file: image dimension is too small."
imageUploadErrorDimensionNotEqual = "Error uploading file: image dimension is not equal."
createSiteSnapshot = "Save"
createSiteSnapshotDescription = "Save the current site content and design to a snapshot."
restoreSiteSnapshot = "Revert"
restoreSiteSnapshotDescription = "Restore site snapshot from a slot."
restoringSiteFromSnapshot = "Applying site snapshot."
creatingSiteSnapshot = "Saving current site state."
siteSnapshotCreated = "Site snapshot is created."
siteSnapshotApplied = "Site snapshot is applied."
invalidSnapshot = "Invalid site snapshot."
snapshotTitle = "Snapshot slot"
snapshotDate = "Date and time"
emptySlot = "[Empty slot]"
userSnapshotName = "Website snapshot"
overwriteSnapshotTitle = "Confirm Overwriting"
overwriteSnapshotMessage = "Do you want to overwrite the existing snapshot?"
loadSnapshotTitle = "Your current website state will be lost."
loadSnapshotMessage = "Do you want to load this snapshot?"
loadSnapshotAllEmptyError = "No snapshots are available. You first need to save at least one snapshot."
loadSnapshotEmptyError = "To restore a site, you need to select a snapshot."
unableCreateSnapshot = "Unable to create a snapshot."
unableRemoveSnapshot = "Unable to remove the snapshot."
snapshotLoadError = "Failed to load the snapshot."
downloadSnapshot = "Download snapshot"
downloadSnapshotTooltip = "Download this snapshot."
uploadSnapshot = "Upload snapshot"
uploadSnapshotTooltip = "Upload a snapshot."
messageNotSnapshotFile = "Please upload a valid site snapshot."
siteSnapshotUploaded = "The snapshot was successfully uploaded."
snapshotUploadErrorTypeInvalid = "You can upload site snapshot files only in the SSB format."
siteInfoTabTitle = "Basic"
seoTabTitle = "Advanced"
siteName = "Website name"
siteTitleDescription = "Website name is what your visitors will see as the title of their browser window when they visit your website. Adding website name to page titles will show both your website name and current page name in the browser title window, which increases your website recognition in search engine results."
siteDescription = "Website description"
siteDescriptionDesc = "Add short description (up to 255 symbols) of your website. This description will be used as a default description for new pages. It will be shown by search engines when people see your website in search results."
siteDescriptionMaxLengthExceeded = "Website description maximum length was exceeded. The maximum length for this field is 255 symbols."
metaKeywords = "Meta keywords"
metaKeywordsDesc = "Provide a list of keywords that describe your website (10-15 keywords are recommended). These keywords will be used as default keywords for new pages. Keywords are analyzed by search engines and used for displaying your website when people search for these keywords."
metaKeywordsMaxLengthExceeded = "Meta keywords maximum length was exceeded. The maximum length for this field is 255 symbols."
faviconTitle = "Favicon"
faviconDesc = "Favicon is a small icon displayed in the browser’s address bar when you visit a website. You can create a favicon using a variety of online tools and then upload your favicon here. All your website visitors will see this favicon."
seoTabDescription = "Use the tools on this page to make your website more visible in search results of various search engines. You can also embed various search engine services here."
seoOwnershipTitle = "Verify Website Ownership"
seoOwnershipDesc = "Most search engines require you to verify website ownership when you register your website or sign up for webmaster assistance services. Verification is typically done by uploading or creating a file with specific filename."
seoEditHeadTitle = "Edit Metadata"
seoEditHeadDesc = "If you need to edit the HTML <head> section of your website (for example, to add ownership verification meta code), you can do it here. Only valid HTML tags permitted for <head> section by HTML standards are supported."
seoGoogleAnTitle = "Embed Google Analytics"
seoGoogleAnDesc = "Google Analytics is a tool that allows you to learn more information about your visitors. After you register in Google Analytics and acquire the required code, you can enter it here."
seoDownloadSitemapTitle = "Download Sitemap"
seoDownloadSitemapDesc = "Some search engines will ask you to provide your sitemap for analysis and optimization purposes. You can download your sitemap here. Note that sitemap is created and updated only upon publishing your website."
createFile = "Create verification file"
createFileDescription = "If you know the name of verification file requested by a search engine, you can provide it here and Web Presence Builder will create it in the correct place. After the file is created, confirm your ownership on the search engine website."
customFile = "Upload verification file"
customFileDescription = "If you have already downloaded your verification file from a search engine, you can upload it here. After the upload is finished and your website is published, confirm your ownership on the search engine website."
uploadFavicon = "Upload favicon"
messageNotIcoFile = "Please upload a valid icon file in the .ICO format."
clickToBrowseAndUploadFile = "Browse and upload a file."
addHeaderCode = "Insert the code below. Note that if you’re inserting ownership verification code, it will be available for search engines only after you publish your website."
addGoogleAnCode = "Insert the code you’ve received from Google Analytics below. Note that Google Analytics will start working only after you publish your website."
useSiteNameInPages = "Add website name to page titles."
messageSiteSettingsSaved = "Your website settings were saved."
verificationFileUploadSuccess = "Verification file at your website was successfully created."
verificationFileUploadFail = "Verification file at your website cannot be created. File with such name already exists."
creatingFile = "Creating file"
fieldCantBeEmpty = "This field cannot be empty."
gettingStartedMessage = "
We prepared a short introduction to make you familiar with the idea, basic workflow concepts and functionality of Web Presence Builder. You can watch this video any time later, but we strongly recommend that you watch it if you are using Web Presence Builder for the first time.
" showGettingStarted = "Show me Getting Started at start-up." closeGettingStarted = "Close" widgetContactSettingsTabTitle = "Settings" widgetContactFieldsTabTitle = "Fields" widgetContactReplyTabTitle = "Reply" widgetContactRecipientsFieldTitle = "Recipients" widgetContactSubjectFieldTitle = "Subject" widgetContactButtonTextFieldTitle = "Button text" widgetContactFieldTitleFieldTitle = "Field title" widgetContactFieldTypeFieldTitle = "Field type" widgetContactFieldRequiredFieldTitle = "Required" widgetContactNewFieldTitle = "New Field" widgetContactAddFieldTitle = "Add Field" widgetContactAddFieldTooltip = "Add a new field." widgetContactDeleteFieldTitle = "Delete Field" widgetContactDeleteFieldTooltip = "Delete the selected field." widgetContactCantRemoveAllFields = "You cannot delete all fields. At least one field must exist in this form." widgetContactFieldTypeTextfield = "Short text" widgetContactFieldTypeTextarea = "Long text" widgetContactFieldTypeEmail = "E-mail" widgetSharethisAppearanceTabTitle = "Appearance" widgetImagegalleryStorageTabTitle = "Image Storage" widgetImagegalleryStorageTabHelper = "Note: After you make any changes to the remote storage, those changes are not immediately applied to the image gallery on the published site. Synchronization might take up to five minutes." widgetImagegalleryStorageTabRadioLabel = "Store my images in:" widgetImagegalleryStorageTabOptionLocal = "Web Presence Builder" widgetImagegalleryStorageTabOptionPicasa = "Picasa" widgetImagegalleryStorageTabLocalNote = "With the Web Presence Builder option, images are kept on the hosting account to which the site is published." widgetImagegalleryStorageTabPicasaLogin = "To use Picasa for storing and displaying your images, click here to authenticate." widgetImagegalleryStorageTabPicasaAuthNoAccount = "You do not have a Picasa account. To create an account in Picasa, click here." widgetImagegalleryStorageTabPicasaAuthNotAuthorized = "You are not authorized to manage this album. Try using another account or create a new image gallery." widgetImagegalleryStorageTabPicasaAlbums = "Choose an album to display:" widgetImagegalleryStorageTabPicasaCreateAlbum = "Create album" widgetImagegalleryStorageTabPicasaAlbumProperties = "Album properties" widgetImagegalleryStorageTabPicasaAlbumName = "Album name" widgetImagegalleryStorageTabPicasaAlbumDefaultName = "My New Album" widgetImagegalleryStorageTabPicasaAlbumViewManage = "To view and manage your album in Picasa, click here." widgetImagegalleryStorageTabPicasaConnectionProblem = "The connection to Picasa is lost." widgetImagegalleryLoading = "Loading..." widgetImagegalleryErrorGetImages = "Unable to retrieve a list of images. Either access is denied or the album was removed." widgetImagegalleryErrorNoOrPrivateAlbum = "The album that you previously selected was either removed or public access to it is no longer allowed." widgetImagegalleryErrorNoAlbums = "You do not have any albums at the moment. To create an album, click Create album." widgetImagegalleryUploadingProblemMessage = "Some problems occurred during uploading." widgetImagegalleryUploadingProblemSeeDetails = "See details here." widgetImagegalleryUploadingProblemDetails = "Problem Details" widgetImagegalleryAppearanceTabTitle = "Gallery Properties" widgetImagegalleryThumbSizeFieldTitle = "Thumbnail size:" widgetImagegalleryThumbSizeSmall = "Small" widgetImagegalleryThumbSizeNormal = "Normal" widgetImagegalleryThumbSizeLarge = "Large" widgetImagegalleryEmptyPreviewText = "Click here to upload your images." widgetImagegalleryEmptyName = "Name" widgetImagegalleryEmptyDescription = "Description" widgetImagegalleryRemoveConfirmation = "The image gallery will be removed from the webpage, however, the images will not be deleted from the storage.