chmodError = "Cannot change file permissions at the specified server. Please contact the server administrator." configureMagicQuotesGpcWrong = "PHP is not configured properly at the specified site location. The 'magic_quotes_gpc' directive must be switched off. Please contact the server administrator." configureMagicQuotesRuntimeWrong = "PHP is not configured properly at the specified site location. The 'magic_quotes_runtime' directive must be switched off. Please contact the server administrator." configureOpenBasedirWrong = "PHP is not configured properly at the specified site location. The 'open_basedir' directive must be turned off. Please contact the server administrator." configureSafeModeWrong = "PHP is not configured properly at the specified site location. The 'safe_mode' directive must be turned off. Please contact the server administrator." curlWrong = "The target server does not support Client URL Library (CURL)." dsnChanged = "Site publishing settings have been changed. Some data stored at the published site may be lost." extensionsNotInstalled = "The specified site location does not support required PHP extensions. Please contact the server administrator." folderDataIsInvalid = "The 'data' folder does not exist, or you do not have permissions for writing. Please contact the server administrator." gdNotInstalled = "The specified site location does not support image resizing. GD library version %s or above must be installed at the target server. Please contact the server administrator." gdVersionWrong = "The specified site location does not support image resizing properly. GD library version %s or above must be installed. Please contact the server administrator." hostDeprecatedByPlan = "Publishing to the specified host is not allowed by your plan." hostNotDefined = "The host does not exist in publishing settings." imageTypeNotSupportedWarning = "The specified site location does not support image resizing properly. GD library does not support %s images. Please contact the server administrator." internalPublishedServerError = "Internal server error has occurred on the remote server. Please contact the server administrator." invalidPublishSettings = "The site publishing settings are invalid." ionCubeNotInstalled = "The specified site location does not have ionCube Loader support. Please contact the server administrator." mailWrong = "The specified site location does not support the send mail feature properly. Please contact the server administrator." migrateFromNewToOldVersionError = "Cannot migrate modules data. Please contact the server administrator." modeDeprecatedByLicense = "The specified publishing mode is not allowed. Please contact the server administrator." modeDeprecatedByPlan = "The specified publishing mode is not allowed by your plan." modulesDataUpdateError = "The modules data have been updated with errors." modulesPublicationError = "Cannot update modules data." modulesPublicationSuccess = "The modules data have been updated." modulesPublicationWarning = "The modules data has been updated with warnings." notSavePublishSettings = "Site publishing settings have not been changed." passwordProtectedHttpServer = "Cannot publish to password protected HTTP server. Please contact the server administrator." phpNotInstalled = "The specified site location does not support dynamic pages. PHP is not installed." phpVersionWrong = "The specified site location does not support dynamic pages. PHP version %s or later must be installed. Please contact the server administrator." publicationSettingsUrlPathWrong = "Cannot find site files at %1$s. The specified site URL does not match the %2$s settings." publicationSettingsUrlWrong = "Cannot connect to the specified site URL." publicationTargetException = "Cannot copy the site files to the specified site location. It is possible that you do not have enough permissions for writing, or there is not enough free disk space on the server." publishAdminError = "The site has not been published. See system logs for details." published = "The site has been successfully published." publishedWithErrors = "The site has been published with errors." publishError = "The site has not been published." publishHostNotAvailble = "Publishing to the specified host is not allowed. Please contact the server administrator." publishWarning = "The site has been published with warnings." publishWithError = "The site has been published with errors." savePublishSettings = "The site publishing settings have been changed." settingsNotDefined = "Site publishing settings are not defined." sqliteEncodingWrong = "PHP SQLite extension does not support UTF-8 encoding on the publishing server. Text information on the site may be displayed incorrectly." sqliteNotInstalled = "The specified site location does not support modules data storage. SQLite version %s must be installed at the target server. Please contact the server administrator." sqliteVersionWrong = "The specified site location does not support modules data storage. SQLite version %s must be installed at the target server. Please contact the server administrator." strangeResponse = "The specified site location does not support changes." targetAuthorizationFailed = "Cannot publish to the specified host via %1$s. Authorization failed." targetChecked = "The specified site location has been checked. Publishing is available." targetCheckedWithWarnings = "The specified publishing location has been checked with warnings. Publishing is available, but correct operation of the site is not guaranteed." targetCheckFailed = "The site cannot be published to the specified location." targetConnectFailed = "Cannot connect to the host via %1$s." targetInitFailed = "Cannot connect to the host via %1$s or do not have permissions for writing." targetNotValid = "The specified publishing settings are invalid." targetWorkFailed = "Failed to copy site files because an error occurred during publishing. Contact the server administrator for assistance." urlNotValid = "Invalid site URL." hsphereIntegrationCheckFailed = "Could not identify your Parallels H-Sphere account. Current Web Presence Builder license implies that you should access Web Presence Builder only from Parallels H-Sphere." demoPublishingIsNotAvailable = "Publishing is not available in demonstration mode." licenseNotInstalled = "Web Presence Builder is operating in trial mode. To publish your website, you need to purchase a license and provide an activation code in the Application Settings dialog." licenseExpired = "Your Web Presence Builder license has expired. To publish your website, renew the license or obtain a new activation code and specify it in the Application Settings dialog." licenseExceeded = "The allowed number of published sites was reached. Please upgrade your license and specify a new activation code in the Application Settings dialog." noscriptWarning = "JavaScript support is not enabled in your browser. To see the contents of this page, you need to enable JavaScript. Click here to learn how to enable JavaScript." publishLimitsExceeded = "The allowed number of published sites was reached. Contact your hosting provider."