startUpsellLimitExceedingTitle = "Web Presence Builder Trial Mode"
startUpsellLimitExceedingBody = "
You have reached the limit of Web Presence Builder sites that you can publish. Web Presence Builder is now working in trial mode for all additional websites. Trial mode allows you to create fully functional trial websites that can be published after your subscription is upgraded. To publish your trial website, contact your hosting provider and upgrade your subscription.
Upgrade your subscription to publish more Web Presence Builder sites.
startUpsellNoSitesTitle = "Web Presence Builder Trial Mode"
startUpsellNoSitesBody = "
Web Presence Builder is working in trial mode for all your websites because your subscription does not include Web Presence Builder. Trial mode allows you to try Web Presence Builder for free and create fully functional trial websites that can be published after your subscription is upgraded. To publish your trial website, contact your hosting provider and upgrade your subscription.
Upgrade your subscription to publish your Web Presence Builder website.
editorTopMessageTrialSite = "
Web Presence Builder is working in Trial mode. To publish this trial website, buy a Service Plan with Web Presence Builder included.
editorTopMessageUpsellLimitExceeding = "
Web Presence Builder is working in Trial mode because you have reached the limit of Web Presence Builder sites that you can publish. To publish this trial website, contact your hosting provider and upgrade your subscription.
editorTopMessageUpsellNoSites = "
Web Presence Builder is working in Trial mode because your subscription does not include Web Presence Builder. To publish this trial website, contact your hosting provider and upgrade your subscription.
defaultPersonalName = "Customer"
initialMailSubject = "Trial website has been created in Web Presence Builder"
initialMailHtml = "Dear %siteOwnerName%,
Your trial website has been created in Web Presence Builder. It will be available till %trialSiteExpireDate%.
To view and edit your trial website, follow this link:
Trial mode allows you to create and edit fully functional trial websites that can be published after you purchase a Service Plan from us. You can find detailed instructions about working on your website content and design in Web Presence Builder documentation here:
To publish this website and make it available to visitors, purchase a Service Plan here:
If you have any questions about Web Presence Builder, please feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
Hoster's Team"
limitsExceededWithoutUpsell = "Your website cannot be published because your subscription does not include enough Web Presence Builder sites. Please contact the server administrator."
limitsExceededTitle = "How to Publish Your Site"
limitsExceededMsg = "
Limits of your subscription are exceeded and you are using Web Presence Builder in Trial mode now. To publish this site to the Internet, upgrade your subscription to add more Web Presence Builder sites.
firstSitePublishWithoutUpsell = "Your website cannot be published because your subscription does not include enough Web Presence Builder sites. Please contact the server administrator."
firstSitePublishTitle = "How to Publish Your WebSite"
firstSitePublishMsg = "
Web Presence Builder is working in trial mode because your subscription does not include Web Presence Builder. To publish this trial website, contact your hosting provider and upgrade your subscription.
licenseExceededMsg = "Web Presence Builder website limit has been reached in the server license. Please contact your hosting provider to resolve this issue."
trialSiteSignUpPublishTitle = "How to Publish Your WebSite"
trialSiteSignUpPublishMsg = "
Web Presence Builder is working in Trial mode. To publish this trial website, buy a Service Plan with Web Presence Builder included.
trialFeatureDisabled = "This feature is not available in Trial mode."