Guide to configuring Slackware Linux for use with Demon Internet

File:        Size: 136473 bytes 

Location:      Directory: /pub/unix/linux/Demon

Short: Guide to configuring Slackware Linux for use with Demon Internet.  

This guide has been tested on Slackware 3.0, 2.3, 2.2 and 2.1.  There
are earlier versions for Slackware 2.0 and 1.2.  It describes dial-up
SLIP/PPP access to Demon Internet, with a static IP address, defined
host name and SMTP mail delivery (not PoP).

There are four packages:

* The BASE package explains how to configure Slackware Linux on a single
  machine, connected to the Internet via dial-up serial line to Demon
  Internet.  It configures basic networking and e-mail.

* The CNEWS package describes how to obtain Usenet news using C News and
  slurp as news transport agents, and nn or tin as news reader.

* The INN package explains how to use INN for Usenet news, instead of 
  C News.  INN is a more modern news transport agent than C News and is 
  gaining in popularity.  You must choose to install either C News or 
  INN, but not both.  They will not work together.

* The BIND package describes how to run a simple (optional) cache-only 
  name server using the named daemon.

Start with the README in the BASE package.  If you want Usenet news, 
continue with the README in either the CNEWS package or the INN package.  
If you want to run a cache-only name server, follow the README in the 
BIND package.

Start with the README in the BASE package.  If you want Usenet news, 
continue with the README in either the CNEWS package or the INN package.  
If you want to run a cache-only name server, follow the README in the 
BIND package.

You can run the unpack script to extract the files from each package 
you ask for.  It will take care to preserve the correct ownership and 
permission for each file.  Please run it as root to allow it to do this.

My thanks go to Ivan Beveridge <> for allowing
me to include his INN configuration package, and to everyone else who
has helped in the preparation of the Guide.
John Phillips            10th May 1996